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Thread: Newest babies came in the other day

  1. #1
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Cool Newest babies came in the other day

    Just got these two in the other day, wanted to mess around with the Naniwa Chosera 1-5-10 progression so I finally ordered the 5 & 10

    They are being mounted on 1/4" thick clear plexiglass just like my 1k is, letting them dry overnight before I mess with them in the morning

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    The unopened Boxes

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    The "Babies" they both came with the red Cleaning bricks, which will probably never be seen again

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    My "Plan" is 1-5-10 and then a Natural finisher, we'll see how that plan works out, I haven't messed with the Chosera 10k in 4 years I remember it being a very capable hone but just a little harsh for my taste back then as a Finisher... I was thinking it should however work rather well in place of a Norton 1-4-8 Progression followed by a finisher... We shall see..

    Hmmmmm methinks lapping these two hard SOB's might be a bit of fun I hope they are at least close to flat
    Last edited by gssixgun; 02-22-2013 at 06:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    look forward to hear the results !!

  3. #3
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooser View Post
    look forward to hear the results !!
    If you have Glen honing or restoring any razors for you, you could say you look forward to feeling the results.
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  4. #4
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    That went quick Glen

    The 5K require a bit of lapping to find good grit, but I suspect you will really like the effectiveness of these hones!
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    I love the edge I get from them and the feedback from them is very nice indeed, especially so from the 10K. I usually finish on a 16K Shapton and then a couple of laps on a felt paddle with CBN = most often gives me the kind of edge I like best (crispy sharp).

    ... Should give you good HHT results, lol (just kidding).
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I've been using the cho 1k for awhile now and can't imagine a better bevel setter. I've been lusting after the 5k/10k choseras for months but haven't pulled the trigger. Pricey buggers. I'm thinking the same as you Glen, they would work really well in a progression with a finisher to top off the edge. Great minds and all that.

  7. #7
    zib is offline
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    I'm with Jimmy, I've been wanting a set of those for a while. I've been more than happy with the Shapton GS stones, but you guys know how it is.
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    We have assumed control !

  8. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I hear you guys, I started getting the Bug and I remembered that Birnando had talked about getting them some time ago in Chat so I pm'd him and asked how they were doing for him, after he told me he liked the progression, that made up my mind.

    I want to try a few razors again off of just the 10k, in fact I have my most harsh feeling razor to my face ready to go on there today, I want to mess with it a bit and see if I can't find a smooth edge with just the 10k... That aspect elluded me in the past but I have learned quite a few tricks in the in the 4 years since I last messed with it..

    The Norton 1-4-8
    The Naniwa SS 1-3-8

    Have been my goto progressions for many years I just wanted to try something different,,, I just wore out my Henckels aka Naniwa SS 1k and was thinking of replacing it when the thought hit me to move that set to a Beginner and go for the Choseras
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    Why do you mount them onto clear plexiglass? I would think this would make them harder to hold steady.

  10. #10
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by larrybob View Post
    Why do you mount them onto clear plexiglass? I would think this would make them harder to hold steady.

    #1 I don't hold the stones I use a "Stone Holder"


    #3 it also works for odd shaped hones like CF's J-Nat etc: and smaller hones..

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