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Thread: Naniwa Progression

  1. #11
    Senior Member Scareface's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haroldg48 View Post
    I have the Naniwa SS 1k, 3k, 8 k and 12k. They don't need to be soaked IMO, and do their job, consistently (more than I do).
    That's my set up. But I do have a 5k to play with if I need too.
    And, a Suehiro 20k for a finisher.(which is probably over the top analism)
    Last edited by Scareface; 07-02-2015 at 03:25 AM.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    I personally run with the Nani 1K SS to Norton 4/8k & finish on the Nani 12K SS this works great for me easy to find vids & info on all of them also

    I wish had of got the Chosera 1k purely for a quicker bevel set

    these are the cheapest I have found on line

    hope this link works

    Japanese Naniwa EBI Chosera Ceramic Whetstones 10K Uchigumori Nagura Stone | eBay
    to shave another day.

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  4. #13
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Substance View Post
    I personally run with the Nani 1K SS to Norton 4/8k & finish on the Nani 12K SS this works great for me easy to find vids & info on all of them also

    I wish had of got the Chosera 1k purely for a quicker bevel set

    these are the cheapest I have found on line

    hope this link works

    Japanese Naniwa EBI Chosera Ceramic Whetstones 10K Uchigumori Nagura Stone | eBay
    We must be brothers from another mother. I have had several tell me to stick with the Nani 1K over plunking down on the green monster, The Naniwa 1k (old, blue) has been tremendous!
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  5. #14
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    Is use the Nani SS 1, 3, 5, 8 and 12k. They work great for me and the learning curve was actually quite easy with them. Just recently added the 3k and am glad I did. Pretty satisfied with what I have and am not looking for anything else, at least for now.

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    I use the Naniwa SS 8k and 12k. I use DMT for coarser grits. The Naniwa has largely replaced my 8k DMT because of the nice, smooth finish it produces. It makes a nice transition to the 12k. I'm very happy with the Naniwa stones. Make sure you have something to lap the 12k with, it's quite soft.

  7. #16
    Senior Member kratos86's Avatar
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    i have naniwa 800/2k / 5k and 12k
    The jump from 5k to 12 k isn't high....the 5k work very well and in fine mode. Some razor after 5k is ready because polish at good state the edge of razor. I love this stone.
    there is a Difference between 8 and 12 but not so high ...for me better choice is 10k because is less expansive (if you find it).
    Lap the 12k is pesky..because is soft and compact. I use to lap my naniwas the dmt coarse. Only for the 12 k is pesky because the small particles of 12 occlude quickly the I clean dmt with a brush...but nothing special
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  8. #17
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    My own personal progression Chosera 1k 5k Naniwa Snow White 8k my all time favourite stone, Naniwa 12k and finish on the Suehiro Gokumyo 20k, the step from 1k - 5k is not that big on the Chosera hones maybe because they are fast cutters the jump from 1k to 5k makes no difference.
    Last edited by celticcrusader; 07-02-2015 at 03:24 PM.
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  9. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    So, performance wise, you will see no improvement over what you have, except the 12K.

    The Chosera 1k is the Gold Standard, especially over the King, performance is the same though, I’d wait and buy the Chosera 1k, you will not regret it.

    As far as the others, I have them all and still use the 4/8k combo stone on every razor. The 8K Norton is tough to beat.

    I did recently buy a Nubatama, 1k and have the 4k on order. I love the 1k, it is fast and does not load up like the Chosera and surprisingly leaves a shallow scratch pattern.

    I will see how the 4k works over the Norton, but will still keep the Norton 8K.

    I would do a 1, 3-4, 8, 12K progression. You could do 5k but the low grits are where all the heavy lifting is done. The job of the 3k is removing deep 1k stria, you may find yourself spending a lot of time on a 5K.

    It is exactly why I am going to the Nubatama, for a more aggressive stone for 1k stria.

    Soaking is not an issue, just fill a plastic shoe box with water and drop in the stones, everybody in the pool, while I get everything else together, then lap all under running water and leave the Norton and the Nubatama in the water.

    Use a squirt bottle, (old shampoo bottle) instead of a sprayer and hone on a rubber stone holder for height, on a fast food plastic tray to catch all the water and swarf. A squirt bottle gives plenty of water to keep the stones wet and wash off swarf.

    If it were me, I’d buy the Chosera 1K and the 12k Super Stone… and with the Norton 4/8k, wear them out.

    Meanwhile, save up for the 20k SG…
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  10. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by bspeer View Post
    If the 1k Chosera isn't available, which of the 800 Chosera or 1000 SS do you think would be a better option?
    The wise ones will wade in shortly, but I'm thinking the 1000.
    To paraphrase Glen, "there is honing and there is restoration"
    "A" school of thought is below 1K you are restoring aka taking care of chips, chunks and dings...

    And as long as you are touching up and/or the razor is not damaged you would be surprised what you can do with a 4/8 Norton, upright posture, raised elbow and a pure heart...

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  11. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    Meanwhile, save up for the 20k SG…
    +1, but we are supposed to reel them in slowly....

    The money you save by keeping the Norton 4/8k will be a nice start on your 20k SG fund...
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