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Thread: Naniwa Progression

  1. #1
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    Default Naniwa Progression

    I am looking at picking up 3 Naniwa hones. I am choosing between the 800 Chosera, 1000 SS, 3000 SS, 5000 SS, 8000 SS, and 12000 SS. I was thinking of going with the 800 Chosera, 5000 Superstone, and 12000 Superstone. Would this combination of stones work well together? I currently use a King 1000, Norton 4k/8k, and finish on Coti, but want to move on to a full Naniwa Progression

  2. #2
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    The jump from 800 to 5K then 5k to 12K is a bit larger than usual, it may well be possible but it will require more work on each stone (especially if you’re working with harder steel or heavier grinds) .

    Why are you looking to go to a full naniwa progression?

    Why not keep the 4k/8k Norton and just add a 1k chosera and a 12k superstone? This would give a fast bevel setter, a very nice finishing stone and a manageable progression between the two.

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  4. #3
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    I use a 1, 6, 13K Sigma Ceramic and a 5 and 8K Naniwa for my synthetic progression.
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    Icic. I like the convenience of not having to soak the stones, and I am not a huge fan of the 4k side of the Norton. Keeping the Norton and buying the 800 chosera (the 1000 Chosera is out of stock where I'm looking to buy and the 800 is on sale) and 12k SS does sound intriguing. Will probably be selling the Coti to justify spending another 200 on hones

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bspeer View Post
    Icic. I like the convenience of not having to soak the stones, and I am not a huge fan of the 4k side of the Norton. Keeping the Norton and buying the 800 chosera (the 1000 Chosera is out of stock where I'm looking to buy and the 800 is on sale) and 12k SS does sound intriguing. Will probably be selling the Coti to justify spending another 200 on hones
    You can start with those and fill in the middle ground with Naniwa in the future. I agree with the pleasure of not having to soak stones, once I got a set of Naniwa, I've gone back to the Nortons only once and didn't like it.
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  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    I have the Naniwa SS 1k, 3k, 8 k and 12k. They don't need to be soaked IMO, and do their job, consistently (more than I do).
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  8. #7
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Funny, I cannot seem to move past my 4/8 Norton. It's getting really thin. Wish I could find another older one.
    I do adore the Naniwa 1k and 12k and use them around the Norton. Perhaps I should pony up for the Nanis next time?
    I do pyramids a lot and flipping the Norton has become a sure-fire habit!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haroldg48 View Post
    I have the Naniwa SS 1k, 3k, 8 k and 12k. They don't need to be soaked IMO, and do their job, consistently (more than I do).
    That is the set make up that I would go for if funds allowed! I think that setup would work great!
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  10. #9
    MJC is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrDalton View Post
    Why not keep the 4k/8k Norton and just add a 1k chosera and a 12k superstone? This would give a fast bevel setter, a very nice finishing stone and a manageable progression between the two.
    +1 - I traded the 1K King for the 1K Chosera and added the 12K Naniwa - keeping the Norton 4/8. if you want to make the transition in steps this would be a suggestion.
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJC View Post
    +1 - I traded the 1K King for the 1K Chosera and added the 12K Naniwa - keeping the Norton 4/8. if you want to make the transition in steps this would be a suggestion.
    If the 1k Chosera isn't available, which of the 800 Chosera or 1000 SS do you think would be a better option?

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