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Thread: To splurge or not...

  1. #41
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    I guess that's just one of those concepts we can agree to disagree on. I mean I understand where you're coming from, but if that plate hits the hone, it's lapping it. A refresh in my mind, is when you use one of the small nagura stones, like the ones that come with choseras. They make slurry and help keep things flat. I still recommend a dmt 325 for refreshing and lapping. I'm almost certain mine was less than $50. Now that I'm more advanced in my honing and take on more of a workload I'm seriously considering an atoma 1200.

  2. #42
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prodigy View Post
    I guess that's just one of those concepts we can agree to disagree on. I mean I understand where you're coming from, but if that plate hits the hone, it's lapping it. A refresh in my mind, is when you use one of the small nagura stones, like the ones that come with choseras. They make slurry and help keep things flat. I still recommend a dmt 325 for refreshing and lapping. I'm almost certain mine was less than $50. Now that I'm more advanced in my honing and take on more of a workload I'm seriously considering an atoma 1200.
    I hear good things about the atoma 1200. Give us your feedback. I am still using a DMT 1200 card size.
    Refresh for me is getting rid of shwarf a couple of figure 8s and back to honing.
    Lapping is grid 8s remove grid, reapply grid flip and remove that grid post a lapping session. That way I am good to go when I need it next.
    Kinda of how do you park your car. Pull in , or back in so your ready to go. Either way the car is parked. Differences are good. I would hate it if we were all clones.
    Your only as good as your last hone job.

  3. #43
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I see no point disagreeing over yet another matter of semantics. Touching a diamond plate to a hone for the intended purposes I listed above, expressly for those purposes and with no regard to the final state of flatness of the hone, to my mind is refreshing the hone and is distinct from the intended purpose of lapping.

    Yes a nagura is also used for refreshing the surface, and it too, like a diamond plate when used for refreshing, can have the added bonus of contributing to the flatness of the hone thereby delaying the need for an intentional lapping.

    The tools are the same, my terminology was simply for distinguishing between the two partially overlapping tasks.

  4. #44
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    Wow very informative information all. Utopian, thanks for taking the time to write those various suggestions out at the various pricepoints. I will definitely be looking into them.
    Insert witty statement here, T.B.D.

  5. #45
    Member RazorCut's Avatar
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    Ok so I decided, I'm going to go with the Atoma 400.
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  6. #46
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prodigy View Post
    utopian I'm in no way trying to start an argument. I value a lot of the information you have to share. This topic is very interesting to me and I'm simply trying to learn more.
    I have no problem with anything you've said in this thread. This is a forum. It would be really boring if we all agreed on everything.
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  7. #47
    Senior Member jnats's Avatar
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    I agree in the distinction between lapping and refreshing, and think that nagura is yet another example of this. Atoma 1200 and Dmt extra fine are nagura too. DN. Diamond Nagura.

    Atoma 1200 is very good, easier to use than DMT extra fine. Hoever, I prefer a worn dmt extra fine on my harder stones as well as my more prized stones to keep the surface free of scratches. A 1200 atoma pulls slurry in a hurry, but a DMT extra fine refreshes the surface with less scuffing then finally releases slurry. I will use a dmt to lightly refresh the surface on a harder smooth stone as the oxidation/grime with dried togidoro (slurry and iron swarf) clogs the pores and leaves some stones feeling dead- in which case a refresh will bring it back to life, whereas a lapping would handicap it even an atoma 1200. I run a 1200 over a chosera after lapping before honing to make sure those scratches are out- Hearing you rave about the shapton plate is not good Utopian. Not good at all. My stones need this and the wife may give me that look.

    Razor cut- I think atoma #400 is the perfect lapping plate for you, you did very well and it is very economical and wide in its range of application. The best choice you could have made imo.
    Japanese-Whetstones and physics it's all just a sea of particles. "If I could remember the names of all these particles, I'd be a botanist." - Enrico Fermi

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  9. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnats View Post
    Razor cut- I think atoma #400 is the perfect lapping plate for you, you did very well and it is very economical and wide in its range of application. The best choice you could have made imo.
    Thanks! and I just picked up a inexpensive str8t off the bay to give these stones a go and hopefully start to learn the art of honing
    Insert witty statement here, T.B.D.

  10. #49
    Senior Member jnats's Avatar
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    Hope it wasn't *this* one! Name:  awesome.jpg
Views: 111
Size:  31.4 KBName:  s-l1600 (2).jpg
Views: 127
Size:  54.6 KB

    Because it's already "100% shave ready" and at 110%/120% it'd be too sharp.

    I'd say post it, but you already shave with a straight and know what a spine and bevel should look like.
    Japanese-Whetstones and physics it's all just a sea of particles. "If I could remember the names of all these particles, I'd be a botanist." - Enrico Fermi

  11. #50
    Member RazorCut's Avatar
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    Ha ha ha, no. Actually I posted it in another thread. I will need to set a bevel on it and work my way up. Once I'm done experimenting with how that one feels on the stones and assuming things are going well I'll try to restore it.
    Last edited by RazorCut; 01-12-2016 at 01:44 AM.
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