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Thread: Microbevels and razors

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I always try to give a little credit to anyone who passes forward their experience, especially on YouTube these days. I have been helped many times by people who took the time to make a video.

    On the other hand, so much misinformation gets distributed; regardless of the good intent.

    This gentleman has limited experience in razor honing and it was made clear in a 2 minute video.

    To do a step by step critique, would take all day.

    If he is happy with his razor, then I'm happy for him.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Thanks for linking to Tim's tutorial, RezDog.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post
    He even states on his FB page that this is is "his famous micro-bevel method" .
    It is his alright but I don't know about the famous part. It might be infamous after this thread.

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  4. #14
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    Micro bevels have been around for a long time and have been used on wood working tools and other places for some time. The payoff is the ability to refine the edge to a very high degree in a short time without causing a foil edge or in razors what we refer to as overhoned. By the slight change in angle it focuses only on the edge and not the entire bevel. It is suppose to leave you with a very strong and highly refined edge. So in theory it is stronger, sharper and faster than any other method. Tims method is effective. We are talking about a very small advancement in the edge.

    Only one thing to add

    It creates a built in Convexity to the edge also.. Many DE blades are Micro or Double beveled some of the Feathers actually have a triple bevel..

    This allows for a Machined Convexity to the edge that allegedly makes for a stronger longer lasting edge.

    My opinion flows back and forth on their use with SR's, but hey if you like the shave go for it..

    That vid is "interesting" to say the least but then again Youtube is full of people using old Techniques and Old hone names and trying to re-invent the wheel and capture attention ...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 04-24-2017 at 04:43 PM.
    mainaman, Geezer, BobH and 7 others like this.

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  6. #15
    Senior Member kelbro's Avatar
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    I do that with my EDC knives but never found the need to do it on a razor.

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  8. #16
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    There's no way his little gimmick didn't distort the flatness of the edge and make it wavy.

  9. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Just speaking on Tim Zowada's 'miro-bevel', formerly know as a 'double bevel' ........ he said he did a double bevel, then he said he didn't. This was years ago. I don't know where it is now. I have nothing for the technique, nor anything against it. If it works for you, great. I had a couple of his custom Damascus razors years ago and they were great shavers BTW.

    Someday I'll update the web page to show just what I'm doing. In short, I don't really create a double bevel. I use extra tape, and an Escher, to very carefully knock of the teeth/serrations off the edge. I actually strive to avoid a double bevel.

    This is verified when stropping. On a tight strop, no tape, no down pressure, the very edge of the blade is still effected by the strop.

    To touch-up the edge, do whatever you usually do. I would use one piece of tape to protect the Damascus finish on the spine. Or, you can send it to me. I'm happy to re-hone my razors.

    I hope this helps,

    Tim Z.
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  10. #18
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I've has 2 Zowada Razors and both came with his micro bevels. I've experimented with taking the double off and putting it back on and shave wise I see no difference. The difference to me, I found those razors to be highly susceptible to edge chipping and the micro bevel seemed to help in that department.
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  11. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    I belive Tim Zowada and Iwasaki San are not using micro bevels but are convexing the edge.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Zowada View Post
    I add one, or two, additional layers of tape. The technique is to take 10 - 20 very light strokes, using only the weight of the razor for down pressure. If I do it well, all the serrations are knocked off the edge, without creating a secondary or micro-bevel.
    Excessive down pressure, or number of strokes, will create a micro bevel. I am trying to avoid that. Note that that no micro bevel is evident in thephoto. There is just a hint of slight rounding. An additional 20 strokes would give a micro-bevel.
    If you want to purposely create a micro-bevel, go ahead. That is valid as well. I just prefer to have one bevel
     Hide's Export  : Iwasaki and Jnats (part 3)

    Ive tried using micro bevels and convexing with good results, especially with kamisori. It just gets confusing when it comes to refreshing.

    Looking at the vid his angle is too steep for my liking but if hes happy with his edges, Im happy.
    Last edited by markbignosekelly; 04-24-2017 at 11:50 PM.
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  12. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    If you are trying to reproduce the Zowada, Nano bevel, try some clear packing tape over electrical tape. It is very thin and abrasion resistant.

    The packing tape sold at USPS is supposed to be very thin and exceptionally strong, it does not say who the manufacture is, other than, it is imported. 3-4 bucks for a decent roll.

    It was recommended on a Knife site, I don’t recall which one, for taping up knives use in sharpening jigs to keep from scratching and use on the jig, in place of blue masking tape.

    It is inexpensive and applies and comes off easily. I have been able to get very nice, Nano bevels and straight edges with it.
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