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Thread: My experience with the BBW

  1. #51
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    Try this too

    Take some wet dry sandpaper and put a little mineral oil on it.
    Rub a bbw slurry stone on it and make a thick slurry paste.

    Transfer to a strop to make a bbw strop. Make sure you even it out like you would chromeox.

    Back in the days we were trying this, some guys liked the results. Bart said the razor didn't pass any HHT but the shave was excellent.

    You can also try yellow coticule slurry.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Disburden For This Useful Post:

    Brontosaurus (08-05-2018), TheCoticuleWhisperer (08-06-2018), TristanLudlow (12-02-2018)

  3. #52
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disburden View Post
    Bart said the razor didn't pass any HHT but the shave was excellent.
    Yes, that is the funny thing that a razor does not have to pass any HHT to shave well. It may even be that by the time you get a razor to pass any HHT you have taken it to the point of having a harsh edge and uncomfortable for multi pass shaves. That is just speculation on my part as none of my razors will pass any HHT but give close comfortable 4 pass shaves. That is with finishing on a 12K Naniwa followed by laps on a Crox sprayed hanging strop. The Crox seems to take any harshness out of the edge. That seems to be similar to using a natural after a synthetic finisher as discussed in this thread.

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  4. #53
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    Now I don't mean to say I use the HHT at all, I don't. It doesn't work with my wife's hair and I'm not plucking mine out for a test. Lol.

    I think I will make a BBW strop tonight and test it this week.
    earcutter likes this.

  5. #54
    Senior Member Brontosaurus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disburden View Post
    Try this too

    Take some wet dry sandpaper and put a little mineral oil on it.
    Rub a bbw slurry stone on it and make a thick slurry paste.

    Transfer to a strop to make a bbw strop. Make sure you even it out like you would chromeox.

    Back in the days we were trying this, some guys liked the results. Bart said the razor didn't pass any HHT but the shave was excellent.

    You can also try yellow coticule slurry.
    What was the support being used? Leather, fabric, or wood? Maybe some whitening toothpaste would work too. ;-)
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  6. #55
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    Linen and leather strops were used.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Disburden For This Useful Post:

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  8. #56
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    I took a hiatus from SR shaving and started again this week.

    Forgetting which razors I honed on what I figured it was time to do some honing.

    I used an Escher, BBW and Coticule. Did everything imaginable, edge leading vs edge trailing, lather, oil, dry, water, running water, backstroke on oil, backstroke on water, little slurry, thick slurry, ultra fine slurry, etc.

    For me and my skin I've come to the same conclusion as I did before.

    The easiest and best edge I get is still using a BBW dry first followed by a Coti dry

    The one I now used is a vintage Coti/BBW natural combo that looks like a La Grise type stone, woodsy pattern, and also behaves like it

    I used half-strokes, circles and x-strokes, a lot of 'em and light pressure (on both the BBW and the Coti). The stone is not that abrasive dry, seems that the metal swarf clogs the pores of the stone a little and not much residue shows up after wiping the razor either.

    I did find the Coti alone to be insufficient for some edges. Whereas the BBW really smooths and sharpens the edge out and does the heavy lifting, the Coti introduces a better skin friendliness, although not by that much but still very noticeable IME.

    Things I look for:
    - when doing strokes on the BBW you can feel how smooth the edge is, if it feels smooth, all good, if not keep working until it feels all the way smooth along the edge. HHT should be amazingly easy coming off the BBW dry, if it's not a super clean easy cut, I keep working until it is.
    that's pretty much it
    Last edited by TristanLudlow; 08-19-2018 at 02:25 PM.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to TristanLudlow For This Useful Post:

    Disburden (08-24-2018)

  10. #57
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disburden View Post
    Try this too

    Take some wet dry sandpaper and put a little mineral oil on it.
    Rub a bbw slurry stone on it and make a thick slurry paste.

    Transfer to a strop to make a bbw strop. Make sure you even it out like you would chromeox.

    Back in the days we were trying this, some guys liked the results. Bart said the razor didn't pass any HHT but the shave was excellent.

    You can also try yellow coticule slurry.

    Oh yes, I need to try this with both the BBW and Coti

    Interestingly enough I've been finishing different razors on both a BBW and a Coticule.

    Both shave well, Coticule is a bit smoother, but a BBW shaves more effortlessly, skin feel is better with a Coticule's edge

    Also tried finishing on lather and it smoothed out a standard BBW and Coti edge in my experience.

    I can't quite get my BBW as smooth as I'd like, but I'm trying. there's something about the efficiency of shaving with a BBW's edge that wants me to explore it further

    I have two razors finished up on a Coticule with lather and a BBW with lather to do a side by side comparison next shave

  11. #58
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    I've played with several Coties, in all imaginable ways, can achieve great shaves off them, and skin friendly.

    My only problem is, it isn't keen enough for me. It gives me a sense of shaving with a dulling edge, that gives a bit of pull/ resistance. The BBW, helped this, but still isn't enough " For Me"

  12. #59
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    I know what you mean about the coti edes, my BBW edges are plenty sharp and shave so easily, the Coti falls a bit short in terms of keenness, eventhough they're perfect capable edges.

    I get a nicer looking edge with a BBW as well compared to the Coti, but not as skin friendly as the Coti. Coming off lahter my edges look like shit for some reason, but shave very well.
    Kinda like Disburden described when coming off a BBW / Coti pasted strop.

    If I can achieve a BBW's keenness with the Coti's skin friendliness I've got a winner.

    It shaves different than a high synthetic, those are very efficient but a bit crisp for me

    Out of curiosity what stones do you finish on?

  13. #60
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I finish coticule edges on a Vermio. Works very nicely.
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