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Thread: Naniwa's never lapped

  1. #21
    STF is offline
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    Before I go further. I have been in Canada for 18 years today!

    I said that the water in the toilet tank would be clean.

    I went to a party in England about 20 years ago.

    I got caught short and had to have a pooh.

    After I had finished I couldn't flush it away.

    I got in a right panic because someone was trying to use the loo so I scooped it out and hid it in the toilet tank.

    The next morning my friend phoned me, he was in a right froth and before i could tell him what a great party it was,he told me that some dirty sod had crapped in his toilet tank
    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STF View Post
    I should have put a question mark at the end I reckon.

    I wonder if my Norton 220/1K combi is ok for perma soak ?
    In general I would be cautious of permasoaking combo stones, though I have no experience with those particular stones or combo.

    But I'll bet Glen has.
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  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    If I recall from the instructions the Norton stones you have say not to leave them permanently in the water. I know for sure the Sharptonn 12k is not supposed to remain in water. It will craze and separate. I remember it more distinctly because I had to get a translation because all the lit was in Japanese.
    For my water stones I often just fill the sink to soak and dry them on edge on the side of the tub. When and if I use the 12k I will normally dunk it or even just give it a long rinse under the spigot. The comb. stones up to 8k I leave in until they stop bubbling.
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    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    you must make sure the stone is lapped flat and you did not just wipe off the pencil with slurry. You should remove a pencil grid, 3-4 times to ensure the stone is fully flat. When you can remove all the pencil grid in 3-4 laps it is flat. Make sure you round or bevel the edges.
    Well, that may explain a few things. Looks like I will be flattening again. Thanks Euclid.
    If you're wondering I'm probably being sarcastic.

  5. #25
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesman7 View Post
    On the subject of soakers, some people perma soak the stones that are tolerant of it.

    Some of the people that permasoak use tupperware with a bit of clorox to stop algae. But a great tip is to store your perma soaked stones in your toilet tank. I have seen where some knife guys have wanted to add some perma soakers to their stone collection, just so they could store them in the toilet tank. I find the idea tempting myself.
    I have a low flow tank on my toilet and that sure effects the flush quality.

    I would not want to store my stones in the tank because you might lower the water volume of the tank enough to create flushing issues.
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  6. #26
    Senior Member HungeJ0e's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STF View Post
    Before I go further. I have been in Canada for 18 years today!

    I said that the water in the toilet tank would be clean.

    I went to a party in England about 20 years ago.

    I got caught short and had to have a pooh.

    After I had finished I couldn't flush it away.

    I got in a right panic because someone was trying to use the loo so I scooped it out and hid it in the toilet tank.

    The next morning my friend phoned me, he was in a right froth and before i could tell him what a great party it was,he told me that some dirty sod had crapped in his toilet tank
    In the Navy we call that an upper decker... common party trick for a "greenlight," which is where you descend on a senior officer's house (supposedly) unannounced to drink all their beer and cause other nonsense... Always best to check your toilet tanks, freezer (for your underwear), and other places after a greenlight.
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  7. #27
    STF is offline
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    Thanks to all of you for your great advice, I understand that I don't actually need a new bevel setter and that a different one won't make my bevels better, but I just wanted a splash and go.

    I bought 3k-8k-12k Naniwa Super Stones from a guy on here that tried shaving and decided it wasn't for him after a couple of shaves so I decided in the end to buy a 1k Super Stone.
    I did try to talk him into trying again but wasn't interested, he wanted to off load the stones and a Thiers Issard so I gave them all a new home.

    It probably makes no difference but i like the idea of having a full progression of the same stone.

    I did look very carefully at a 1k Chosera but in the end gave it a miss because the site I was looking at said that although Chosera's are the top of the line, they need to be used regularly or they can crack/craze. I am just a an occasional home user so a Super Stone made more sense to me, plus it cost less.
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    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  8. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    I have to correct you here Steve. You don't buy a stone because you need it. You buy a stone because you want it. The only things you need are food, water, clothing and shelter.
    I'm not trying to bust your balls here, I'm trying to help you out and relieve you of all the justifying. Why am I buying it? Because I want it. See how easy that was?

    Enabler's international at your service.
    Last edited by PaulFLUS; 05-07-2021 at 10:16 PM.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  9. #29
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulFLUS View Post
    I have to correct you here Steve. You don't buy a stone because you need it. You buy a stone because you want it. The only things you need are food, water, clothing and shelter.
    I'm not trying to bust your balls here, I'm trying to help you out and relieve you of all the justifying. Why am I buying it? Because I want it. See how easy that was?

    Enabler's international at your service.
    OMG Paul. Marry me!
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    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  10. #30
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    STF, a few years ago I went through something similar to what you're going through now. I had a King 1k, which needed to be soaked before use. I also had a Naniwa 3/8k combo (splash-and-go) which I loved. I decided I needed a splash-and-go 1k stone, so after a bunch of humming and hawing I bought a Naniwa Professional (at the time, it was only $20CDN more than the 1k Super Stone at Classic Edge and twice as thick, so it was easy to justify).

    Did the splash-and-go 1k change anything for me, really? No. I use all my other stones more often than my 1k, and I usually only pull it out when I know I'll be setting a new bevel, which gives me ample time to soak it. The Naniwa works well, but the King did, too.

    Do I regret buying the Naniwa? No. It's a great stone, and I like the feel better than the King. What I (kind-of) regret is going through the whole justification process, since it's agonizing at the time, and once I'm fixated on something I'm completely unable to let it go.

    In the end, PaulFLUS is right - we don't need these stones. But if we want them, and can afford them, and will use them, then that should be enough reason to buy them. After all, if we don't end up using them or liking them, we can always resell them or gift them away - that way they won't be wasted. And if you can pick them up second-hand, then so much the better!

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to joelkerr For This Useful Post:

    STF (05-08-2021)

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