Quote Originally Posted by rickytimothy View Post
I was unclear, all of my attempts were rolling X-stroke, the only real variation was whether I alternated direction every stroke, how much pressure I put on it, and whether I slid the razor laterally across the hone or tried to keep a straight path with simply adjusted region of pressure from my hands.

It should go without saying that I understand this is a tricky technique, and whatever my version of the "rolling x-stroke" was is probably incorrect. GSSixgun did give me zoom lessons on that specific technique though so I do get the idea if not the execution.

I'm buying a tripod one of these days so I can actually demonstrate what I'm trying to do.
From the wording in your posts, that you're trying to keep the razor in full contact on the stone, it sounds like your rolling X may well be wrong. With a proper rolling X you will not have the razor fully flat on the stone. It will only contact the heel initially & then other areas as you slide the razor off the hone.

Something like using a butcher's steel to give a loose analogy.

I was going to suggest you make a video.