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Thread: How much for a monster combo?

  1. #1
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    Default How much for a monster combo?

    Please could someone have a guess at a fair price for a 12inchx4inch (300mmx100mm) Natural Coticule/BBW combo benchstone. Yes, the dimentions are correct.
    Thanks M

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlesilverbladefromwale View Post
    Please could someone have a guess at a fair price for a 12inchx4inch (300mmx100mm) Natural Coticule/BBW combo benchstone. Yes, the dimentions are correct.
    Thanks M
    You can get some idea from the producer's web site:

    Ardennes Coticule - Producer of the Coticule whetstone!

    a 250x100 Belgian blue stone goes for Euro 99.00 and a 200x90 Coticule goes for Euro 290.00, so you're looking at Euro 390.00 new, even if you could get that size, which is no longer available. Fair price? It depends on whether you're buying or selling.

  3. #3
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    Thanks. It's rare then?
    I have no money at the moment. So my change jar is going to be cashed in!

  4. #4
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    What do you need a stone that big for?

  5. #5
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    It has collector value, no mistake, but for the purpose of razor honing, anything wider than 3" is a waste of hone because that is the max length of a razor blade.
    An 8x3 coticule can be had for 185$ plus shipping.

    I've asked howard about the difference between selected /standard and kosjer, and it has nothing to do with quality, only with coloring.
    A coticule with a very even witish color is much more expensive than a standard coticule, even though one is no better or worse than the other.

    Your 8x4 coticule will probably be very expensive, and probably not worth the different with an 8x3 for the purpose of razor honing.
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  6. #6
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    Hi Russel, answer = "it's cheap"
    Hi Buno, it's not 8x4, it's a 12x4 natural combo ! with a nice box too.
    It is no where near $185 with shipping
    I wouldn't mind another 100 or so, I could do the patio then
    It is coming tomorrow, I'll post some pictures.
    Last edited by littlesilverbladefromwale; 08-14-2008 at 01:42 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I've asked howard about the difference between selected /standard and kosjer, and it has nothing to do with quality, only with coloring.
    A coticule with a very even witish color is much more expensive than a standard coticule, even though one is no better or worse than the other.
    The coticule in its variety and varied performance from stone to stone is a unique animal. In my limited experience, I agree with you and Howard that color can't be THE deciding factor in performance.

    I will say that the 2 creamy white or very light colored coticules I own compared to some darker yellow or mottled coticules seem to be better performers. They cut/polish better, they can raise slurry on their own with just water, they feel softer and they're more fun to work with. The two I mention are both vintage stones as well.

    Chris L

    Oh, and Marcus you devil, congrats on the coticule. I can't wait to see pictures. Soon, my friend, I'm guessing I'll be adding to my collection by asking to purchase stones from what you're seeming to be building; a burgeoning collection of great natural stones!

    BTW, Since I have HAD, I wouldn't hesitate to break the piggy bank to buy a 12x12 coticule if one existed, whether such a size was unnecessary for honing razors or not!!!
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  8. #8
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    I know I've been pleading poverty Chris but I COULD NOT let this hone pass.
    I haven't forgotten my promise either.

    Here is the monster
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlesilverbladefromwale View Post
    I know I've been pleading poverty Chris but I COULD NOT let this hone pass.
    I haven't forgotten my promise either.

    Here is the monster
    Very pretty! There must be a story behind this... where did it come from?

  10. #10
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    AHHH, I see, you weren't looking to buy a new one, just wondering what your's is really worth.

    Nice score, but we need more details than that!

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