Hi Kristoffer, Friodurs can be very frustrating. I have experiment with many of them that were sent to me for honing. If I had one that would not cooperate, I would start taping the spine. It seems like it an average of three or four layers of 3M 1700 electrical tape will give an angle that the blade likes. It has been my experience that the stainless steel blades tend to be softer then carbon steel blades. I would tape at the 4000 grit level then tape all the way through 12000, 16000, to 0.5µ to 0.25µ diamond paste on a leather bench strop. I would then remove the tape and strop on a horsehide hanging strop. If it looked good under the microscope after the last stropping, it has usually been a good durable edge. That only stainless steel I have had hold an edge as long as a carbon steel razor has been AT34. I do have a Dovo SS that I use at my gym that will also hold its edge for a longtime; however, it is an anomaly.