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Thread: DMT bbw/yellow

  1. #1
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    Default DMT bbw/yellow

    I've tryed dmt bbw/yellow I found the belgium blue did'nt remove the dmt scratch pattern as well as i'd like. I reverted back to the 4k 8k norton and i could see scrach pattern had reduced more so ,then i used bbw /yelow any one else found this when using 30k loop maybe with the method the sahve would of worked i just found my razor a little harsh after progressing from 1200 to 4k 8k then naturals the shave was smoother.

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    I think the Norton cuts faster than most Belgians so it isn't that surprising. Did you try raising slurry on the BBW and the Coticule sides?

  3. #3
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Instead of the bbw, I would suggest your try the yellow side with slurry for removal of the DMT scratches.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rajagra View Post
    I think the Norton cuts faster than most Belgians so it isn't that surprising. Did you try raising slurry on the BBW and the Coticule sides?
    Yes i used slurry on blue milky slurry when i compares the scrathes to my other razor they were realy uniformed but more visable so i went back to dmt then bbw slurry again to see if there was any differance. bbw defanatley put a shine on edge but just would'nt make scrathches quite fine enough did refine scratches more so but they still looked deep norton 4k defanatley made them a little more faint. I just though i'd give it ago the method is on the wiki.

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    I was thinking that but coticule with slurry does'nt give the best shaving edge. i supose i could then go bbw s/ then yellow water i'm sure that would.

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    I'm also interested in this, I use the same setup so it would be nice to know. How many passes on the blue side do you do gary? I typically find myself doing quite a lot probably about 100-150. I know it probably doesn't need that much but why not :P

  8. #7
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    Not all Coticules are created equally. It depends on what you have. I have several, and each are different looking and performing. Gary, your Coticule may be a hard, and slow cutter. If you scratch it with your fingernail, can you see a mark in it?, If not, it's hard.
    The fingernail test is a good method to figure out the hardness of your Coticule. You need several of them to really get a feel for what your seeing. Even on a hard Coti, if you were to raise a slurry, it should take out the scratches....

    Dups, 150 passes on a BBW sounds excessive, How bad off is the blade, Does it have a good bevel? Even 150 on a Coti is a lot. IMO
    Last edited by zib; 04-23-2009 at 11:14 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    Not all Coticules are created equally.
    Agreed. I only have 2 coticules, and even those 2 are quite different. When I bought my 8x2 from Howard I requested a nice hard one solely for polishing. And let me tell you, it's awesome for that. But for any sharpening or removing any sort of coarse scratches on a razor it would absolutely suck.

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    I have 4 bbw and five yellows diferant grades yellows vintage select an kosher and one from hoiward and to be onest they all seem the same apart from vintage which turns white slurry grey quiker than the rest they all seem hard as i have done the scratch test defanatley not soft.. I posted a thread about how to tell hard soft fast or slow polisher and no one seemed to be able to give a good indicator. Its the simple method on the wiki i was following i have tryed three times dmt/ bbw /then yellow. And it gives me ashave ready blade but i don't think its has smooth as should be what do you think dups? I find bbw 150 is not a problem and i have tryed yellow with slurry as yellow cuts quiker than blue it does remove srach pattern quiker but does'nt leave as keener edge as blue. just wonderd if any one else has tryed the method and what they thought i my self think it is to biger jump from dmt to bbw it will shave but maybe not as smooth. You could shave of dmt but it would be rough.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary haywood View Post
    I've tryed dmt bbw/yellow I found the belgium blue did'nt remove the dmt scratch pattern as well as i'd like. I reverted back to the 4k 8k norton and i could see scrach pattern had reduced more so ,then i used bbw /yelow any one else found this when using 30k loop maybe with the method the sahve would of worked i just found my razor a little harsh after progressing from 1200 to 4k 8k then naturals the shave was smoother.
    I like to use a 4k & 8k step after the DMTE. The BBW or Coticule will do the job but it just seems a faster progression to me & less work..
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