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Thread: I'm not sure what to say about this.

  1. #121
    Disposable blades = Disposable men. vvti713's Avatar
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    whoa things got tense on this thread... SRP rules ;D

  2. #122
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vasilis View Post
    Ok, I'll be the one to ask; 3000$? For this? Recognized togishi charge 1/10th of the price, and our dear honemeisters here can teach you maybe even for a cup of coffee. Btw the most neutral member in this conversation was gssixgun.
    But you need one of these
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    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  3. #123
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    Maybe his unorthodox honing is why he would rather shave with his kitchen knife over a straight, pay attention at 5:50 in this video.

    Last edited by swimlikehell; 11-11-2011 at 02:00 AM.

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  5. #124
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    Gentlemen, it's time for the popcorn...

    **Settles in for some entertainment**

  6. #125
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    As a former carny/pitchman, ask me if I would be even a tiny bit surprised if the information in the DVD that you PAY for, is different from the "free" information in the O.P video. "Its this easy!" Still not good enough? Allow me to show you the "secret" methods, all for one low price. STILL not good enough? "Train with me PERSONALLY, and I will show you my PRIVATE ways!" And as a guy who thinks paying a baseball player a million dollars+ to hit a ball around a park is absurd and insane, you can guess what I think about a guy who will charge 3k to teach how to hone.
    markdfhr likes this.

  7. #126
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
    As a former carny/pitchman, ask me if I would be even a tiny bit surprised if the information in the DVD that you PAY for, is different from the "free" information in the O.P video. "Its this easy!" Still not good enough? Allow me to show you the "secret" methods, all for one low price. STILL not good enough? "Train with me PERSONALLY, and I will show you my PRIVATE ways!" And as a guy who thinks paying a baseball player a million dollars+ to hit a ball around a park is absurd and insane, you can guess what I think about a guy who will charge 3k to teach how to hone.
    His marketing strategy was established under the mentorship of Dr. Ignatius Piazza...who apparently uses the same techniques for guns (here's how to be the best shot! Don't quite get it, pay me a thousand dollars for more!). Piazza is also apparently one of the more litigious members of a certain celebrity religion, so I will say no more.

    But as for Mr. Carter, well, the "Rural village of Kumamoto" is a city of 1.5 million...and the stones one his site are stamped "Sazare". Question everything, is all I'm saying.

  8. #127
    Disposable blades = Disposable men. vvti713's Avatar
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    im not even going to lie.. Mr. Carter's japanese razors are REAL nice.. but damn they are pricey.

  9. #128
    Senior Member heirkb's Avatar
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    I didn't get through all of this thread, but I do have a few things to add. Others might have said them already, but I'll put them in one post.

    First, Carter's attitude and hype and marketing are lame (and arguably deceptive). Yes, I agree. I mean he sells King stones for way more than the regular price ,and specifically doesn't say on his site that they are King stones. Ever wonder why he drops the phrase "my Japanese water stones" so much in his videos? That's why.

    Second, this razor honing method would be nuts for one of us. I'm with mainaman on this. Try it. I'm 99% sure you won't enjoy the edge (the 1% is because I haven't used his exact method). I've refined edges way more than he does and still found my edges to need more finishing.

    The third and last thing I want to add, though, is that just because he's terrible at sharpening razors, doesn't follow our rules, and has shady marketing does not mean that he cannot make a great knife or can't sharpen knives. I haven't tried his knives or his edges, but many would stand by them as some of the best out there. Back when I was only into razors, I stumbled across his site and thought he was lame and gimmicky like some guys here did. I thought I would never want to buy one of his crappy knives. Turns out they're not so crappy...That's why the only people making crazy statements about Carter are the ones who haven't done their reading on forums (which is what some have rightly accused Carter of failing to do). Hypocrisy and assuming you know everything aren't great qualities in someone making a criticism...

  10. #129
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    I can't believe , over 100 posts on whether it's good to shave off a 6k stone.
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  11. #130
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
    As a former carny/pitchman, ask me if I would be even a tiny bit surprised if the information in the DVD that you PAY for, is different from the "free" information in the O.P video. "Its this easy!" Still not good enough? Allow me to show you the "secret" methods, all for one low price. STILL not good enough? "Train with me PERSONALLY, and I will show you my PRIVATE ways!" And as a guy who thinks paying a baseball player a million dollars+ to hit a ball around a park is absurd and insane, you can guess what I think about a guy who will charge 3k to teach how to hone.
    This sort of thing is all too common with martial arts as well.
    You'll have some guy claiming to be taught by the ancient masters of some hidden village in the mountains (or something to that effect). He'll be the grand master of a ninjutsu school despite doing something that is not all all like authentic ninjutsu. It will also contain a lot of flashy moves and spinning kicks. And you'll have to pay a boatload of money for the secret techniques.

    Meanwhile everyone qualified to comment is shaking their heads, every time someone has swallowed the story, hook line and sinker.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
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