1st shave today w/ a Weeden & Kremp Gunmetal 9/16:

4k: 40 circles med slurry, 40 light slurry, 40 no slurry; 10 light x-strokes on light slurry on the 8k & bevel was good.
Then the usual: 4k 40 circles light pressure, 40 " no pressure, 15 x-strokes weight of blade; 8k 15 x-strokes & ~ 15 strokes to dry.

Stropped & shaved a 4 day beard this morning. Just for fun, shaved my left sideburn only w/ an Oozuku finished razor. Went through a bit easier than the right, but rest of the shave was done w/ the Norton edge only. THe shave was excellent, plenty shave-ready & very smooth.

Next on honing was an Erik Anton Berg 5/8 w/ a big spine (not quite a frameback). Took longer on the bevel set & got a bit distracted, so lost the exact count. Was ~50% more work to get the bevel. THen did closer 50-60 on the circles, but kept the protocol the same. Finished w/ 20 x-strokes on the 8k, followed by another 20 w/ lather. Have yet to strop, but was popping arm hairs nicely (I usually need to strop before I get lots of popping, but if I get some, the razor is usually there). Look forward to stropping & shaving w/ this!