I've been slacking on my reporting on here but her goes the big update

Shave 3 sent it back to the stones first and ran it through a pyramid of 20/5 15/5 10/5 5/10 3/15 1/20 then it was into the strop for 100/100 linen and leather. Then a shower with a Noxema face scrub lather was Poraso ultra sensitive shave soap went with a quick 2 pass job and had a great shave steady improvements throughout the month so far. Follow up was a cold water splash a rub of the alum and a dab of neutrogena after shave balm

Shave 4 was kinda rushed through this 1 but I managed to still get a decent shave. did 50/50 on the strop and a quick hot shower then an extra thick lather from my Poraso ultra sensitive with a few drops of shave secret added. Did a quick 2 pass not half bad but a solid showing especially given the lack of attention I showed here. Follow up was a hit of cold water and alum then a splash of old spice. The saving grace of this shave I think was the muscle memory I've developed over the year I've been at this as I was so rushed I didn't pay anywhere near enough attention. Yet somehow no nicks or cuts.

Overall the whole month has been a blast and so packed with learning my honing technique has improved so much just the past 2 weeks that I wonder how I ever managed with my first few attempts at it. I have noticed like most others I get good shaves off the 8K not super amazing but solid performers I can't wait to take all I've learned up to my PHIG or barber hone and probably get the shaves to perfection.