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Thread: Why do we still use a clean leather strop?

  1. #1
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    Default Why do we still use a clean leather strop?

    Hopefully I wont get too abused for asking this but call it an inquisitive mind and a fan of science.

    I have recently begun honing and am having good results under guidance of a respected SRP member here in Australia. Following the normal convention of 1k stone > belgian coticule > cloth strop > leather strop > shave.

    I recently read this paper in which a series of tests were done and results viewed sing a scanning electron microscope. On page 24 the author seems to conclude that clean leahter actually doesnt have any noticable effect on the edge, leaving a burr at 0.5 micron. He states leather has no abrasive qualities.
    The next test uses CrOX and concludes that that paste has a noticable effect redcing the burr to 0.4 micron.
    because of the info in the papaer I am considering dropping the use of a claen strop all together.

    Given this information, pictures showing no change in the blade on clean leather versus noticable change with CrOX, why do we stay with the convential clean strop? is it the ritual?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Only reason I simi clean my strops every couple yrs with tallow based soap (as was done back in the day) is to add some hydration in the form of tallow,keeps them supple.

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    Quote Originally Posted by krisbowe View Post
    Given this information, pictures showing no change in the blade on clean leather versus noticable change with CrOX, why do we stay with the convential clean strop? is it the ritual?
    If you are inclined to stop stropping, then by all means, do so.

    However, many others have concluded on their own that regardless of what someone can see, there is something you can feel! Perhaps you will agree with this concept after you have conducted your own testing, perhaps you won't.

    No reason for anyone to get excited or upset. This is how learning happens...and the "ideal shave" is not a unique solution. Everyone potentially finds happiness differently

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  6. #4
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    Try shaving with a razor you are honing right off the hones.

    Next try shaving with a razor off the hones and a good stropping.

    Next don't strop any more for 10 shaves.

    Next strop again and shave.

    Could you feel any differences???

    Have fun.

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  8. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Whether stropping on clean leather is beneficial has been argued since men started doing so with straight razors. Even old barber manuals and earlier treatises address the controversy. A 70 year old barber with 50 years in the business told me,"It straightens the edge." Whatever it does, it does something good IME.

    A pasted strop is fine when it is needed but it is, IMHO, too much of a good thing for a daily ritual. There is also debate on whether fabric, linen, canvas, or other substances, is necessary, good or non essential. I have tried it with and without and I am in the linen/leather camp.

    I do use chrom-ox, diamond spray and paste sparingly once in a while, but I would advise keeping a clean strop for a daily driver. At least IME.
    Obie and Geezer like this.

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    I do it because Crox also rounds the edge quicker. Meaning a shorter life span of the edge.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    Could you feel any differences???

    Yes I guess I'll keep on Stropping
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  14. #8
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    Yes, there is no single right way. Whatever works for you.
    I have rough leather strop, impregnated with CROX powder that I use after I've set the bevel and after I've finished honing. After each shave I use a Tony Miller 3" smooth strop and use both the material and smooth leather. That works well for me.
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  16. #9
    32t is offline
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    That is an interesting paper but you are comparing Apples to Oranges.

    I have yet to see here anyone that goes from a 600 grit stone to a 8000 and then to leather at a 48 degree angle.

    Let me know if I have missed something.

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  18. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    'Why do we still use a clean leather strop?"

    I have this thing for clean , smooth leather.

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