Quote Originally Posted by Mario View Post

@ Bob-

The cliche "Many ways to skin a cat" comes to mind after reading your response. Again I don't see a "problem". At no one point did I suggest anyone buy an Edge Pro. I was just sharing my experience. If you would like to discuss what I think an Edge Pro adds to the table I would be more than happy to discuss it offline.

I already gave you that there is more than one way to skin a cat, obviously, you got what you wanted from the set, an edge honed to your satisfaction. No argument there, never was. Also never said you suggested anyone buy an edge pro. I did say that from reading this thread my personal take is that I would not buy an edge pro as I see no advantage in it for me as I already have hones and that works for me. If I did not have a system to hone my SRs already or were into knives that could be a different story. What is there to say off line that can't be put forth in this thread?
