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Thread: Ohio Newbie Here

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by tintin View Post
    that's a good idea. will have to check a map and see whats in the middle. i've never been to SRD though, maybe they would host us?
    Try to count me in depending the day and time but it does sound like fun. Would like to meet other people that like SR

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  3. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tintin View Post
    that's a good idea. will have to check a map and see whats in the middle. i've never been to SRD though, maybe they would host us?
    Imperial Shave is in the town square, in Medina. Its a 1/2 hr drive from my house.
    Guess I could talk to Don about it, and see what he says.
    Its a awsome shop, with lots n lots
    of toys for us boys.
    Ill let y'all know as soon as possible.

  4. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Imperial Shave is in the town square, in Medina. Its a 1/2 hr drive from my house.
    Guess I could talk to Don about it, and see what he says.
    Its a awsome shop, with lots n lots
    of toys for us boys.
    Ill let y'all know as soon as possible.
    Ok let me know. That's about 3 hours or more from me. But may possibly be able to make it work
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  5. #24
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard to all the new folks from Ohio! Y'all are startin to grow like weeds!

    Though I am a Hoosier, I'd be tempted to take part in an Ohio meet up. Iowa & Missouri are too far. Anyway, I'm in Fort Wayne, and Imperial Shave (SRD) is somewhere around a 3hr drive from me, IIRC. That is pretty much the limit of my range for a "day trip". Might even be able to get a few more Hoosiers to join in .

    For me, it would depend on what day of the week, in order for me to attend. My days off are Thursday & Friday, and Sunday & Monday (working 3-12's is neat like that ). Oh, and later in the day is better than earlier...

    SWMBO has one stipulation for me going to visit any haberdashery: she gets to go as well! Am I the only one who can totally see this turning into a national convention, a few years down the road?? I mean, the brick & mortar location for SRD would be the perfect place to have such a thing.
    outback likes this.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  6. #25
    71L is offline
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    I'd be fine with the drive to Medina, but if we're looking for a more central location in the state, The Shave Shop @ Rivers Edge Cutlery in Columbus Ohio is another great spot to visit - half the store is shaving accoutrements and the other half is knives, miscellaneous blades of all kinds, and survivalist items - a man's playground for sure.

    Shaved by Grace

  7. #26
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    Hello all. I was directed to this thread and wanted to introduce myself to other Ohioans. I'm in Columbus and very new to SR shaving. As many others my research has lead me to SRP. It seem to have a wealth of information, and I've already received information about a local shop here in town. I have not taken my first shave but have been doing research for a couple months now. I've collect about 4 razors and a strop so far and plan on using the straight razors as soon as I can get them honed. I've come to realize this can turn into a addictive hobby, as I keep wanting more and more but my wallet puts some limits on things. Lol. I look forward to meeting others that share similar instrests in SR.

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  9. #27
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    welcome to you also Bretcummings. i know how it is to have a limited wallet. if you look hard enough you can still find affordable razors in antique stores. (it helps control my collection by setting a low limit) you'd be surprised what one can find for under $20 especially if you learn to do your own repairs.
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  10. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Hello Bretcummings.
    Glad to hear of more Ohioans joining in.
    Im in akron, Ohio.
    Yes, I hear there are a couple of shops down there, but I dont recall their names. We have a couple up here as well. Ive been trying to put a meet and greet together for us ohio boy's this year, but its been difficult for me being I've never done anything like that before. But I'm still trying.

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  11. #29
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    Hello bretcummings,
    Like outback I'm from the Akron area. Glad to here of some more Ohioans on here. It's slow but we are growing. Hope you enjoy the site, there's a lot of information and great people on here. Enjoy
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  12. #30
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    Welcome and you've come to the right place. I've only been SR shaving since Christmas and it is a very addicting hobby. Alot to learn still as I look forward to learning how to hone and more razors.
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