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Thread: Who bakes bread?

  1. #611
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    The growth of the first day has mellowed more inline with what my local starter does, but with less discernible bubbles. She rises like a high tide, but I don’t see the bubbles like in my first starter.
    The fragrance, with the exact same flour food, older, and dusty, for lack of a better description. Like took me back kind of compared to the first. My son, too described it as really sour smelling and didn’t think he’d like the bread.
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    Think I over proved, as they both wanted to spread as I laid them on the stone, but this was on day 2 of starteing her, so I had low expectations.
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    Flavour was really good, and the crumb, almost ciabatta like. The crust had the best crunch and chew.
    My son changed his mind at fist bite too.
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  2. #612
    boz is offline
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    This site has done some comparison baking of various starters. This link is the end of series talking about the various starter. Go in about 6 minutes for the conclusions.
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  3. #613
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    Baked some sourdough over the weekend. My scoring still needs work, but I'm not really motivated to do anything about it. Next time, I'm not splitting the loaves. I might venture out to another yeastless recipe, try some different proven ratios.

    Could've used a touch more proof time during the second rise, I cut it short because I thought I went overboard in the first rise. Still holds liverwurst well!

  4. #614
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Funny the 2 regions he talks about are where my two Italian started came from.
    My Giza starter has settled into an awesome mix.
    Tonight’s loaves, with only 25% atta blend appear to be the highest risers I’ve made yet,
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    Same weight of dough as every other batch, but none looked this full out of the fridge overnight
    And finished,
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    Terrific rise from both during the bake. The long loaf is almost round..
    Going to be a long wait till they cool off.
    I may have found my rhythm here..
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  5. #615
    boz is offline
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    Looks good. How does it taste compared to the starter you originally used?
    A healthy skepticism of both old and new ideas is essential to learning.

  6. #616
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    It tastes more sour, or more fermented maybe?
    The crumb to crust transition is chewy and a real tooth integrity test.
    Outer crust crispy with that oven char flavour.
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    Better taste and texture then anything our old countertop bread maker could Put out!
    I’ve switched from hand kneading to the kitchen aid and dough hook for the batching and make a lot less mess.
    It’s very repeatable on the lowest speed as long as I load it logically.
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  7. #617
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure that I'm in the minority about crusts being dark and shall we say 'more resistant to the bite' as I prefer a softer more tender crust to bite into.

    I also don't want large holes in the bread as I don't want any condiments dripping out of them, plus I often make grilled cheese sandwiches which I did tonight with my latest loaf of sourdough bread.This one is an egg and cheese sandwich--

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    The flavor was good, a very mild 'sour' to it (which I prefer) but the crust was a bit of a challenge to bite and not also rough up the roof of my mouth.

    We'll see how it works for some French toast.
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  8. #618
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    I like soft crust for grilled cheeses too Roy.
    They have a load of interesting recipes fir sourdough here.
    And one of them is this.
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    Today I’m baking up some loafs with organic flours. Kamut, and hard white blend from the west coast.
    Daughters birthday was Thursday and they have lifted restrictions enough for her to come visit again..
    Ribs, artisan breads, wine, salads in the yard. Shall be a fine spread I hope.
    PaulKidd and cudarunner like this.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  10. #619
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    E for Erin,
    With black sesame sprinkles.
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    Smells more flowery, as opposed to flour-y, than my previous loaves.
    Look forward to tasting it.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  11. #620
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    I was watching a video in a small bakery which specialized in sourdough and they had come up with a 'stencil' made out of some kind of flexible material and he laid it on top of the loaves then sprinkled the flour on it and placed them in the oven to bake.

    I didn't see the outcome but apparently he could put a flower, initials logo etc. I thought it was pretty cool but do you think I can find that video agin--NO!
    MikeB52 likes this.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

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