Father’s Day feast included some more of that starter from Giza, coupled with Kamut, light spelt, and hard white flours.
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Had an abundance of starter ready so decided to make some sour dough nuts for a trial after seeing how awesome the waffles are.
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Made the dough last night and left it to ferment all night in the fridge then today rolled out the dough, using a bowl and a shot glass to creat my pattern.
Left them to rise an additional 1.5 hrs on the counter on greased parchment.
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Used the deep cast iron skillet for my fryer.
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Things grew almost double when the dough hit the oil.
Finished them in cinnamon sugar and have cardamom and cinnamon in the dough as well.
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Felt they couldn’t turn out better, and when still warm,, wow, so decadent.
Hope y’all had a good Sunday..