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Thread: Sausage and Smoke Cooking

  1. #101
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neehooya View Post
    My existing butcher changed a recipe on his garlic sausage and it doesn't taste the same... He said that he reduced fat content, what kind of BS is that? I smoked it a bit, hoping that would improve the taste but can't make it better with cold smoke if the original recipe got altered!
    This is exactly why I like to make my own sausages. Only I control what goes into them. It's also why I don't prefer using mixes as you never know when they will either change the formula or the product is discontinued. With that said, I did use and will probably again use the mix/kit for the summer sausage at least for awhile.

    Quote Originally Posted by neehooya View Post
    Yummm that looks like a pork loin!

    Are you feeding a whole battalion?
    Yes it it is boneless pork loin (Purchase price was $1.99 per lb) and no it's just for me, the family and friends. Since it's fully cooked it can be used on many things. It really goes quickly when used for sandwiches, pizza, or even for breakfast.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    This is exactly why I like to make my own sausages. Only I control what goes into them. It's also why I don't prefer using mixes as you never know when they will either change the formula or the product is discontinued. With that said, I did use and will probably again use the mix/kit for the summer sausage at least for awhile.

    Yes it it is boneless pork loin (Purchase price was $1.99 per lb) and no it's just for me, the family and friends. Since it's fully cooked it can be used on many things. It really goes quickly when used for sandwiches, pizza, or even for breakfast.
    Completly understand, not quite there yet with mixing and making my own sausage but will PM for pork loin recipe. Our family loves it especially on sandwiches.
    I think I can manage a pork loin.

  3. #103
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Nice smoked loins Roy. Did you soak in a brine first? Gonna make some fine bacon..

    Nice rack of side rib as well neehooya.

    And thanks Andrew. Still hasn’t shipped and I can’t wait to break it in. I’m thinking either ribs or smoked picnic shoulders for the summer gtg this year.
    Can check it out in operation once it’s got a few months under its belt.
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  4. #104
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    Man that's going to be a good meat meet.
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    Burls, Girls, and all things that Swirl....

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post

    What are they????

    Canadian Bacon What Else?

    Now to get them packaged up and in the freezer.

    Thanks for looking. :
    Now my keyboard is slopped with drool. I'm going to have a bourbon coke on that one.

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by neehooya View Post
    Made some jerky last Saturday along with smoking some extra PL sausage. My existing butcher changed a recipe on his garlic sausage and it doesn't taste the same... He said that he reduced fat content, what kind of BS is that? I smoked it a bit, hoping that would improve the taste but can't make it better with cold smoke if the original recipe got altered!
    Anyhow, running my BGW Grand Slam on Saturaday made me hungry, very hungry, so I decided to make St. Luis style ribs on Sunday.
    Here is an image to prove it, cheers.
    Attachment 285713
    Make that two bourbons.

  7. #107
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    Nice smoked loins Roy. Did you soak in a brine first? Gonna make some fine bacon.

    Nice rack of side rib as well neehooya.
    Yes the loins were soaked in a brine that included some sodium nitrite--the nitrite prevents botulizium and other harmful 'bugs' while the meat's in the 'Danger Zone' which is between 40 degs F and 140 degs F. I have my refrigerator set as low as it will go and it's usually between 34-36 degs F. I had the loins in for 8 days. I could have gotten by with less time if I'd 'pumped' them with brine but I didn't want to bother and I was in no hurry.

    It also changes the texture of the meat. For example I make 'Eisbein' which is a German dish. The pork shanks are cured but not smoked. They have the texture of a smoked ham or shank but more of the flavor of pork.
    MikeB52, neehooya and Dieseld like this.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  8. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to cudarunner For This Useful Post:

    Diboll (03-15-2018), Dieseld (03-15-2018), MikeB52 (03-15-2018), neehooya (03-30-2018)

  9. #108
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    Gents - I owe this post to my mentor and supporter ROY!
    Roy - thank you for your generosity and continuous support on this smoking adventure .

    After reading Roy's post about making the pork loins aka Canadian Bacon, I got intrigued and reached out to him directly.
    Given the fact that my family likes "Canadian Bacon" and I purchase them regularly from my local butcher, I wanted to give a try and make my own.
    After consulting with Roy I've assembled all the necessary ingredients for the brine and went along with the process.

    Loins are cleaned and ready for brining:
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    Taking a 7 day long bath:
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    After 7 days and rotating them in the brine every other day they were ready for smoking.
    I've shaped them more like a ham (oval):
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    Started with a cold smoke:
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    Then raised the temp in the pellet smoker to 160F for about first 5 hours:
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    After about 8-9 hours the internal temp was reached and they were ready to come off:
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    Here is the final product after resting for a few minutes:
    Name:  IMG_6512.jpg
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    Simply Delicious!
    Thank you Roy again and cheers to the Enablers!
    cudarunner, 32t and Dieseld like this.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to neehooya For This Useful Post:

    cudarunner (03-30-2018)

  11. #109
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Glad to have been of at least a little help.

    You did a good job As with so many things the 'Visual' is very important and your Exterior AND Interior both look Great. With that said-The Taste Test is the Ultimate Test and from what I read you did good!!!!

    Now on to Smoked Whole Chickens! And of course--Sausages

    Since you have your Smoker/Cooker you have the major investment already at hand--however there is Sausage to Make and Smoke--so you'll need a grinder and a stuffer--Oh well one more SWMBO that hate's me isn't going to make me lose any more sleep than I already do
    neehooya and Dieseld like this.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  12. #110
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    You are way too modest, you were extremely helpful!

    Everyone likes them, including kids, they taste great. Taking one half to my in-laws for Easter and later the second half for my mother.
    cudarunner likes this.

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