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Thread: Sausage and Smoke Cooking

  1. #31
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutHikerDad View Post
    That is some awesome-looking jerky, Roy-I used to make my own for fishing/camping trips with my buddies, but haven't done it in awhile. As good as homemade is, it actually comes out cheaper just to buy it from the store (blasphemy, I know).
    Store Bought!?!?!?!?!? PM me your home address and I'll send you a chunk of homemade lye soap that my granny made to wash your mouth out with!

    I was at the store today and the cheapest that they had was a 2.85 OUNCE package for $3.99

    The one thing that the store bought doesn't have and never will have is the love that was mixed in. Kind of like Dolly's song about her coat of many colors.

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  2. #32
    32t is online now
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    That comes out to $22.40 a pound for the jerky.

    I suppose you could make that argument about many things.

    One time along with some friends we rented a ice shack to go fishing for the weekend. We caught only 1 fish. An rough estimate put the price of that fish to over $600.00 a pound! And that was back when a dollar bought much more than today!
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  3. #33
    32t is online now
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    I am going to be cutting down an apple tree this fall.

    Some free wood if anyone wants to come pick it up.
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  4. #34
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    First and Foremost; I stand corrected on the weight of the original bottom round roasts. My son tells me that both were just over 4.5Lbs but due to trimming of fat we lost a bit of that initial weight. While I didn't think to weigh what the meat weighed after trimming we didn't lose very much. The next time we make jerky I'll be sure to take some accurate weights and also try to figure how much the seasonings cost so I can get a more accurate idea of what the end product cost.

    My son told me that the roasts cost him right at $15 each.

    I just weighed the second batch of jerky now that it's all nice and dry. We ended up with 1 Lb 14 ounces.
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  5. #35
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    I had promisded that the next time I made jerky I'd pay more attention to weights. So here's the latest batch.

    My 10 year old grandson got a nice 4 point mule deer this season (out West we count only one side so there were 4 points on each side) and his dad gave me one rear honch to make jerky out of. Once I had it broken down and trimmed up and sliced I had 7LBS 10oz. I mixed the meat into my seasoning sauce and allowed it to marinate for about 24 hours turning and mixing every few hours for even distribution of the sauce and cure).

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    I then drained the excess marinade for about an hour. After draining I placed the pieces on the screens (the screens measure 17"X25" and I used 3 screens with a few on a 4th screen).

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    I placed the screens on the hanger in the smoker and turned it on with the vent open for 2 hours then started the smoke. I smoked for about 4 hours with the vent closed then after the last (3rd) pan of damp hickory/alder chips I opened the top vent and let it continue to dry at about 100-110 degs.

    I removed the thinner pieces when they had dried enough and finally had it all dried and ready to go. (I finished drying at room temp inside).

    I was left with 3 Lbs 1 oz. Might have been a couple more ounces but I was nibbling

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    Here's the finished product;

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    Now to get it packaged and delivered to my grandson before I start nibbling again.

    Thanks for looking and reading.
    32t, outback and neehooya like this.
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  6. #36
    Senior Member DupreesDiamond's Avatar
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    pecan wood smoked ribs... can you say yummy!
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    and the jalapeno wheel. half jalapeno stuffed with peach preserves, home made beer cheese, topped with churizo and the other half, hot cherry peppers are stuffed with a home made herb cream cheese smoked in cherry wood...
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    The Big Guy ~ A Savage Gentleman
    Dovo Bergischer Lowe ~ Union Razor Cutlery Co. ~ Wade & Butcher ~ Dixie MFG ~ Imperial Razor Co. ~ J.R. Torrey ~ Anchor ~ Stiz ~ Cattaraugus Cutlery Co. ~

  7. #37
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DupreesDiamond View Post
    pecan wood smoked ribs... can you say yummy!
    Those look like some nice Country Style Pork Ribs, bet they were good when finished.
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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  9. #38
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    In regards to my post here:

    When I knocked on the door my grandson answered and looked at the bag and said; "Is that the jerky"? I said yea you want a taste and of course he did and he loved it.

    His dad and his Elk Hunting Buddies (all were lineman in high school and are monsters) were out in the man cave putting the tent and other things from their elk camp away. My son in law tried a piece and told his buddies they'd better try some of 'this'.

    Well my daughter was out and about with my granddaughter and a few hours later I got this email:

    Thank you so much for the jerky it is truly really really tasty!!! I know you like feedback and my only constructive criticism would be it was just maybe slightly overdone (on the dry side) other than that it is the bomb. We already want you to make more next time we have meat!!!!!

    I told her that a little bit too dry was good as too wet and you 'could' risk spoilage/however unlikely that might be. Anyway I'm glad that they are enjoying eating that jerky as I had enjoyed making it for them.

    Now if my son in law would just bag a bear
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  10. #39
    32t is online now
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    Be careful with bear meat. Trichinosis.

  11. #40
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    Be careful with bear meat. Trichinosis.
    Well aware of the parasite, however not only will proper temp levels kill it but heavy freezing will kill it before it ever sees a smoker also.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

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