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Thread: Sausage and Smoke Cooking

  1. #931
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    As usual Everything looks wonderful.

    It's been years since I made a terrine. I don't have a terrine specific mold I just use a loaf pan. I have one that I'll have to try to make and post. It's a Chicken and Egg Terrine. The meat mixture is packed in the bottom about 1/3 of the way full, then you slice the ends of hard boiled eggs off till the yoke shows then line the eggs up end to end and fill in around and on top with the rest of the meat mixture.

    Chicken is on sale right now----Hmmm no where's that loaf pan??
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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  2. #932
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    As usual Everything looks wonderful.

    It's been years since I made a terrine. I don't have a terrine specific mold I just use a loaf pan. I have one that I'll have to try to make and post. It's a Chicken and Egg Terrine. The meat mixture is packed in the bottom about 1/3 of the way full, then you slice the ends of hard boiled eggs off till the yoke shows then line the eggs up end to end and fill in around and on top with the rest of the meat mixture.

    Chicken is on sale right now----Hmmm no where's that loaf pan??
    I’m the only one who will eat these things. I’d make them more often if my wife ate it too.
    rolodave likes this.

  3. #933
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCDshaver View Post
    I’m the only one who will eat these things. I’d make them more often if my wife ate it too.
    They do have a unique texture--well at least the one I make does. But with that said my kids will have a bit of it for part of lunch etc.
    rolodave likes this.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  4. #934
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Between the kids all grown up and doing their own thing with their families and this COVID thing, at times it's been hard to get together here at the Boars Nest.

    My birthday earlier this month was one of those times. So I fixed supper for my oldest and her family a couple of weeks ago and took everything over to her and today my middle daughter and my son along with the two grand kids were here for a similar meal.

    I only got pics of the main attraction and part of the dessert but today's supper was:

    Pulled Pork Sandwiches
    Marinated Coleslaw
    Baked Beans
    Green Beans with bacon and onions
    Sparkling Apple Cider

    Chocolate Cake with Homemade Chocolate Frosting
    Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream

    Ready to wrap in paper;

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    Wrapped and ready to go back in;

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    Pulled at 205 degs F and being pulled;

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    And the ice cream/no artificial flavors or colors, picked from my little patch;

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    I sent 99% of the leftovers home with the kids: Now to get to those dishes
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  5. #935
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Damn, well done Roy, looks super across the board.
    Lucky kids..good dad..
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
    Steven Wright

  6. #936
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    Damn, well done Roy, looks super across the board.
    Lucky kids..good dad..
    Thanks my friend. You put out some very nice looking protein and other edibles off of the coals yourself.

    I seasoned the butt with kosher salt and Rendezvous dry rub and wrapped it in plastic wrap and put it in the frig at about 2 pm so it could sweat for about 12 hours.

    I put the butt in at 2:30 am at 250 on the Traeger with the high temp alarm for the cooking chamber set for 275 and the meat's internal temp set for 165 and went back to bed. I got up at 6 am and the internal temp was already about 130 so I turned the cooking temp down to 220 and let it continue to cook.

    About 9:30 the alarm for the internal temp went off and I double checked with the ThermoPen and it was right at 165. The probe went in with some resistance.

    So I double wrapped it in the plain butcher's paper and put it back in still at 220 but set the internal temp alarm for 203.

    Right at 12:00 Noon the alarm went off so I checked the internal temp with the ThermoPen and it was exactly 205. This time the probe went in like I was inserting it into a cube of room temp butter if that much resistance.

    I pulled the probe and wrapped the butt still in the soaked paper in old bath towels and put it in a cooler that I'd had open and sitting in the sun, closed the lid and put the cooler in the shade.

    Everyone showed up at about 3 pm and while I'd told the kids we would be able to eat early--- it seems everyone had a late lunch before coming over.Name:  no see smily.gif
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    A bit after 5:00 everyone was feeling hungry so I started the Traeger and used it to warm up the baked beans and green beans.

    When everything was ready to serve I pulled the butt out and checked the internal temp and it was 150 degs. Not bad for being in that cooler for 5 hours and still plenty hot to the touch.

    After shredding and a light sprinkle of Rendezvous seasoning and a bit of diluted Sweet Baby Rays Original BBQ Sauce mixed in it was time to eat.

    My son took enough of the pork and coleslaw to have sandwiches at work for most all week and his sister took enough to feed her, the two kids and her husband at least one supper and her and the kids a lunch. They both took quite a bit of the baked beans and green beans also.

    About the only things that didn't get taken home was a bit of cake and ice cream. Name:  woohoo.gif
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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  7. #937
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Limited Time Offer--30% off probes at ThermoWorks--
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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  8. #938
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Some New York strips off the kamado with the usual sides.
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    Really thick cuts so I kept it around 370 without the deflector stone.
    Pulled them at 123 and let them rest.
    Basic salt and peppercorn rub.
    Corn was picked this morning and the potatoes this week.
    Creamed the wife’s to help with digestion.
    Cheers men.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
    Steven Wright

  9. #939
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    This COVID thing has really put a wrench in the works with the food supply. Personally, I'm just grateful to be able to be able to purchase ANYTHING.

    I've been wanting to make and smoke some bacon but haven't been able to find anything affordable. The place I got the last belly has said for a couple of months that they order them but they don't come in. About three weeks ago my buddy Ski asked if I'd tried a Hispanic market near the Washington/Oregon border and I hadn't. So on my way home I stopped in and the owner said he could get them but they wouldn't be in for two more weeks. I asked the price and he said $2.29 per lb. So I told him to order in two for me. I gave him my number and put the business phone number in my phone.

    I happened to be at Ski's two weeks later and on the way home I stopped by and by God, he had just gotten a box of pork bellies packed by Smithfield. So I got them home, cut in half, weighed and then weighed out the cure for each half, rubbed it in, put the bellies in a plastic container and started curing them.

    I drained the water off for the first two days and then they weren't putting out any more moisture. After a total of 5 days I started the smoking process.

    I put them in the smoker at 11 pm. It was 60 degs out and after 2 hours they were air dried so I started the smoke tube and set an alarm for 4 hours and went to bed. After the first 4 hours I got up and refilled the tube and repeated the procedure. The bellies got a total of 12 hours of smoke.

    Here's a crappy flash pic of when they were first put in the smoker:

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    I put probes in the pieces and started the heater. I set the probes for 130 degs. I didn't think to look at what time I started the heat but it took several hours to get them up to temperature.

    Here they are right after the alarm when off and I'd removed the probes:

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    Something that I've done for close to 30 years when I'm making smoked sausage or birds is to 'Shower' them with water. On the sausages it helps prevent wrinkling Plus it gets the products cooling down quicker.

    This time I cheated as we are having horrible air quality from all of the wild fires around here and I didn't want to be out in it any longer than necessary.

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    Once the pieces were down to 70 degs, I brought them in and patted them dry and removed the skins.

    So here they are ready to go into the cooler overnight:

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    I've still got frozen smoked pork skin from the last batch so I'm thinking of turning these along with the trimmings from slicing into a 'Smoked Pork Broth' to use for gravies etc.

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    I'll post some pics of sliced bacon later, probably tomorrow.

    Thanks for looking :
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to cudarunner For This Useful Post:

    spazola (09-12-2020), Toroblanco (09-13-2020)

  11. #940
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    Good job Roy....Licking my lips and wishing I was closer so that I could taste it too!
    cudarunner likes this.

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