Not the same taste no,least not to me. But I fully admit that I did not care for Pu-erh either, too fishy earthy for me. To each his own however. It's blacks and Oolongs for me.
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ok so i finally have a proper cast iron tea pot and have broken into the world of loos etea. looking into getting some whole leaf. I'm a black tea, earl grey or Irish breakfast tea kind of guy. any recommendations on companies? feel free to pm me
2011 Aged Tree Huang Pian (Yellow Leaves) Pu’er Tea:
Got this in the mail today, and could not resist breaking off a small sample before putting it in my tea chest:
2011 Aged Tree Huang Pian (Yellow Leaves) Pu’er Tea
Made from Yunnan large leafed shaiqingmao tea leaves
Attachment 137941
Attachment 137939
Tea cake:
Color: Distinctly yellow green
Odor: Strong, floral, green, pleasant
Loosely packed, easy to break up.
Attachment 137940
Tea soup:
Color: Strong yelllowish broth
Odor: Asparagus and green, a hint of fresh forest
Taste: No bitterness, asparagus green, mild, somewhat thin for a puerh.
Aftertaste: Lasting, sweet, mouthwatering, refreshing.
Attachment 137942
I also got this Banzhang 2010 that I'm sticking straight into the chest for later
Even though I'm not a fan of Pu-er, I can still appreciate it . :)
I've been really busy the last couple of weeks; between training most weeknights and starting a Japanese course in much of my spare time, I've had little chance to post much since I came back from my weekend away, so I have a bunch of photos to post when I get a moment, sometime this weekend!
That matcha post I said I'd do needs to be done. I have a new teapot because I dropped and broke the lid of the little Banko Yaki that I use for sencha. I also have a bag of matcha-iri genmaicha and the old yuukimidori matcha (unopened).
Finally, after one month shipping from China, my Bamboo Brick just arrived.
MENGHAI BOYOU 2007 Ripe Pu-Erh tea
I've been a little curious. After you guys get these big ol cakes of Pu-er , how do you store them after opening. Do you break'em up and stor in a canister ? Someone mentioned a tea chest . Might I see some pics on tea chests and tea storage ?
I mentioned a tea chest. I guess that is not really correct, I am storing my tea in an old chest. It was not made for the purpose. Mine measures some 15" x 30" by 12". I use it to store the tea after I buy it. It can stay in there for a long time, until I decide to drink it.
Attachment 138416
There's currently a bit over 15lb of tea in there. Err, perhaps that sounds like a lot, but some of it will be stored for years.
After I take the tea from the storage chest, I leave it out for a while to air out, then break it up and stick it in a caddy for consumption.
Attachment 138415