View Poll Results: What's your cuppa tea ??

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  • White

    11 13.25%
  • Green

    28 33.73%
  • Oolong

    13 15.66%
  • Pu erh

    7 8.43%
  • Masala Chai

    2 2.41%
  • Matcha

    4 4.82%
  • Rooibos

    10 12.05%
  • Herbal

    8 9.64%
  • Iced tea

    17 20.48%
  • Dirty Sock (white athletic)

    1 1.20%
  • Dirty Sock (black dress)

    1 1.20%
  • Black

    40 48.19%
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Thread: Tea anyone ??!!

  1. #5391
    Senior Member Slur's Avatar
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    Default The Cure

    My daily treatment for SIBO and IBS:

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    Oregano and Mint tisane
    Accompanied by dried apricots. The small ones are dried in the Greek way, and the bigger ones, which are from Serbia, are dried in their way. I find the Serbian dried apricots much juicier and more delicious.

    Oregano for the treatment of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
    Mint for the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    rolodave, harrygr and PaulFLUS like this.

  2. #5392
    Senior Member Slur's Avatar
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    Cold Black Currant Tisane
    With dried apricots, dried figs, banana chips and dried grapes

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  3. #5393
    Senior Member Slur's Avatar
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    Aged Ripe Pu Ehr
    Yunnan, China

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    After eating a lot of sweets, only a ripe Pu Ehr could clean my mouth and bring me back to normal with a neutral taste.

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    Texture: Thick
    Color: It changes in every brew. It begins as a Beaujolais nouveau wine color and reaches a dark Bordeaux at the fifth brew.
    Nose: Mud. Wet cave. Wet soil. Moss.
    Mouth: Wet forest, it makes me feel like John Rambo in first blood.
    Maybe some Sandalwood, maybe some liquirice.
    Jagermeister but without the sugar.
    Earthy aftertaste.

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  4. #5394
    Senior Member Slur's Avatar
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    Jasmin Chung Hao
    Another Fresh Jasmin Green Tea

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    Brewed at 70 Celsius
    Clean, refreshing, delicate, sweet and floral.

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    Good evening Straight Shavers!

  5. #5395
    Senior Member Slur's Avatar
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    Mi Lan Xiang Dan Song Oolong
    by the tea leaves from a subspecies of Shui Xian,
    from the Phoenix mountains, Guangdong, China

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    The wet leaves: Dried apricots and dried plums to the nose

    The liquor: Golden to the eye, medium thickness texture to the palate, Peach and Orange to the nose.
    Soft, you immediately get the charcoal-roasted taste, apricot and dates taste, dry and a bit of sweetness.

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  6. #5396
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Organic Usucha Matcha
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    Water: 165°F
    Handmade Japanese matcha bowl
    Authentic bamboo hand whisk also Japanese
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    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  7. #5397
    STF is offline
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    I don't reckon you can beat a nice cuppa Tetley Tea with milk and 2 sugars.
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    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  8. #5398
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Well you could beat it but there is certainly nothing wrong with it. Tetley makes some good teas as do a number of other grocer line makers like Twinings, Taylor's of Harrogate and Lipton among others. They may not be fine teas but still good and many like Twinings and Lipton offer higher lines not normally carried in the local markets.

    As much as I love the high dollar fine teas what I drink the most is Yorkshire Tea for bags which is quick or Ahmad Tea Co Assam if I have the time to use loose tea. Both are quite inexpensive. It is easy to ruin yourself with connoisseur quality things but I find that keeping an inexpensive staple helps me to enjoy the finer things even more.
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    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  9. #5399
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    I should add to that that it depends on what your aim is; to enjoy tea or to indulge in snobbery. I have had people chide me for still drinking grocer line teas. " I'm sorry but I just can't drink that crap." My answer to that is that I don't drink crap either. Walmart store brand and the like are in fact crap and if that is all a diner or other restaurant has I will pass and have coffee instead. But, I also can just drink a cup of tea without keeping myself from enjoying it because my ego prevents me from it. To those people I would encourage self examination.
    BobH and Johntoad57 like this.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  10. #5400
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulFLUS View Post
    I should add to that that it depends on what your aim is; to enjoy tea or to indulge in snobbery. I have had people chide me for still drinking grocer line teas. " I'm sorry but I just can't drink that crap." My answer to that is that I don't drink crap either. Walmart store brand and the like are in fact crap and if that is all a diner or other restaurant has I will pass and have coffee instead. But, I also can just drink a cup of tea without keeping myself from enjoying it because my ego prevents me from it. To those people I would encourage self examination.
    I reckon that Supermarket own brand teas are made from what's swept up from under the machines while their making Typhoo or PG Tips, or Tetleys.

    Mind you, there's a premium tea in Canada called Red Rose, it's premium but having tried it I think I'll leave it for the Canadians. Tea bags are strange, made of some kind of plant fiber.
    Last edited by STF; 04-23-2022 at 11:37 AM.
    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

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