Tonight I'm mourning the passing of a weekend which was altogether too short. And helping me through the grieving process is some Balvenie Doublewood 12yo.
Have a good week everybody.
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Tonight I'm mourning the passing of a weekend which was altogether too short. And helping me through the grieving process is some Balvenie Doublewood 12yo.
Have a good week everybody.
I finished my Springbank review and I've moved on to Laphroaig 1o. It's interesting to drink 10 year old again, I would normally go for quarter cask. It's much sweeter and more medicinal than I remember.
Ezekiel81, I read your Springbank review and found it informative.
It's good to hear your blog is doing well.
Thanks, I really appreciate you taking the time. I've been surprised by how many hits I've had too, I've averaged about 7 a day (double that if you include hits from Norway, but I think most of those are me looking for spelling mistakes) and was expecting maybe one a week if that.
Laphroig 10 again for me, but in a tumbler for a change. It's surprising how different it is.
Good review. I glossed over a few bits because I'm reading it at work but the important bits were all there and the interesting bits are enjoyable when I have time to read them!
Next one should be good!
I live on Scotch and Mac and Cheese......and I'm not broke. Sometimes I enjoy Hotdogs and Beans which is also a very inexpensive meal. I call these two meal types my favorite three course meal. (when you add in a 12, 18 or 21 year old scotch....not such a cheap meal.)
Life is good....Enjoy.
It was a different sort of day...but I powered through and now enjoying a glass of The Glenlivet 12 and Vikings on History Channel.
As I mentioned in Beer Thread, I am a non-drinker these days, largely due to my infatuation with Laphroaig 10. I once described it to a friend as tasting like a Band-Aid that had caught fire and been extinguished with Listerine. This was a good thing...
I have read similar impressions about Laphroaig, entropy1049. I have a hankering to try out an Isaly whisky but will find a bar where I can test it out instead of buying a whole bottle.