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Thread: A Cup of Joe

  1. #41
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Someone is only a snob if he puts others down for not meeting the "high standards" he himself has. Trying to educate someone on how to enjoy better quality isn't being a snob as long as you don't cross the line and demean him. it's no different than someone who enjoys using VDH or Williams soap and thinks its the only soap he would ever need. It's ok to try and inform the person of benefits of better soap but in the end if the person enjoys what he is using there is nothing wrong with that.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #42
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Being that I was the first to use the term "coffee snob" I'dlike to apologize if I insulted or angered anyone. I used to work in a place where some of the employees would talk crap about how I brought my own coffee in a thermos to work rather than spend $30 throughout the day on Starbucks. These are the types I regard as "coffee snobs". Once again I apologize if I offended anyone.

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  4. #43
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    About 45 minutes ago, my son and I were returning from his Trap shooting(got rained out); I needed an ice coffee from Duncan Donuts. Went inside ordered, looked in my wallet. no money (spent all my cash last night paying for dinner). No problem, my son was with me and he always has his money on him (his allowance, keeps about $80.00 on him all the time). He had no money, I asked "Where's your wallet, son?" , he said, "It's in my other pants pocket, the ones I wore to dinner last night." I'm looking at this hard working young man who is holding my large ice coffee; I know he wanted to slap me. I apologized and left with no coffee.
    I will go tomorrow and order again (with money) and leave him a nice tip.
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  5. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    About 45 minutes ago, my son and I were returning from his Trap shooting(got rained out); I needed an ice coffee from Duncan Donuts. Went inside ordered, looked in my wallet. no money (spent all my cash last night paying for dinner). No problem, my son was with me and he always has his money on him (his allowance, keeps about $80.00 on him all the time). He had no money, I asked "Where's your wallet, son?" , he said, "It's in my other pants pocket, the ones I wore to dinner last night." I'm looking at this hard working young man who is holding my large ice coffee; I know he wanted to slap me. I apologized and left with no coffee.
    I will go tomorrow and order again (with money) and leave him a nice tip.
    Sucks being taxed to death, doesn't it? Those dadburn ol' Revenuers done hijacked yo' greenbacks agin!

  6. #45
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Just Folgers Classic Roast with the old fashion PERK. Just take it with a little milk. If I am shaving with a straight,perking coffee is the way to go....Old School.

  7. #46
    Pasted Man Castel33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nessmuck View Post
    Just Folgers Classic Roast with the old fashion PERK. Just take it with a little milk. If I am shaving with a straight,perking coffee is the way to go....Old School.
    Have you ever used the Folgers black silk heard it is suppose to be good in the perk. Never tried myself as I never think to pick it up cause I always go to the whole beans first.
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  8. #47
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    First I cannot believe that Speedster hasn't seen this thread yet talk about a coffee Nerd Hehehehe

    Myself I have recently moved to Gevalia Expresso roast or French roast either in a Drip, or now and then in a French press

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  10. #48
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Default Tea drinker here !

    Had to switch cause hot coffee tears me up plus I like tea..but....Now and then I still like an Iced vanilla latte and still keep my french press just in case. I preffered the lighter roast but really I just like a good cup O Joe whether it's perked,French pressed or espresso. Probably the only coffee I was never keen on was the stuff you get at a diner(really hard to find actual good diner coffee IMHO) or the stuff you find at work in the breakroom. Let's face it...if you're out camping and it's cold out,sometimes ya just can't beat a campfire or cabin brewed old school pot of black mud.I used to like mine with cream and sug and one of my faves is still new orleans style cafe aulait with chicory coffee i.e Cafe du Monde or French Market brands....Mmmm with a side of begniets. and still also like good ol fresh hot joe with a plain doughnut fer dunkin !
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  11. #49
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    But the BEST cup of Joe I ever had was when I was on my honey moon 26 years ago in Hawaii. That Kona coffee was wicked good !!!
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  12. #50
    Si vis pacem para bellum Crzylizard's Avatar
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    I'm just happy my place of employment has decent java. My brew from home only lasts so long.
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