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Thread: Woke up late? What's your solution?

  1. #1
    Junior Member GTIwarrior's Avatar
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    Default Woke up late? What's your solution?

    Woke up super late and need to shave before work? What's your hurry up prep routine?

    I ask this because I often sleep through my alarm and have to do a quick shave before I head in to work. I'm interested to see what everyone deems necessary, and what they deem convenience.

    My daily routine consists of Van Der Hagen soap,bowl, and brush, along with two passes of my DE. On running late days I usually used the canned foam and a single pass with the DE. If it's an extremely late morning I'll grab the Norelco on my way out the door and use that in the car.

  2. #2
    Senior Member str8fencer's Avatar
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    Umm, not sure I should share this tidbit really, but you asked..
    If I shave in the morning, which I sometimes do, I am in a hurry. I'll grab a shower, apply some soap to my whiskers while I finish my 3-minute shower, rinse off, grab a straight and whack it off. Yupp, no lather or anything. Takes me a minute or two only.
    Very fast, but it certainly does not have the comfort of an ordinary shave. And for the record, I will not recommend this solution to anybody, even if it works for me.

  3. #3
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    My solution would be to turn up your alarm to a much louder setting, there is no need to rush a shave, either that or shave before you go to sleep.

  4. #4
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    I shave in the evening, but if I'm in a rush I use a DE. If I'm in a panic or traveling I use a....dare I say......multiblade.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Usually I'm pressed for time on Sunday before church and just enjoy my Merkur 137C with a feather blade.

    I rarely sleep late. I began going to bed/sleep when the feeling came over me, rather than forcing myself to stay awake for another hour. Whatever I can do for that other hour tired, I can do better with the hour early in the morning when I am refreshed.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I rely sleep late, but love lounging in the morning and hate rushing a shave. I generally shave in the evening but if I do a morning shave it is lather and shave one with and one against, with a straight. I hate to admit it but the only time I used a DE was when I was 12 and cut myself. I didn't have anything to shave but the experience left me DE phobic.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member Gehring9006's Avatar
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    Grab the Mach 3, shave soap and brush and take a shower then shave in the shower.

  8. #8
    MJC is offline
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    My current "pressed for time" solution is a Cobra Classic with the Feather Pro Blades.
    Once pass is better than a 3X Mach 3, if you have time for a 2x (one N-S, one S-N) you are in BBS territory.
    Not having much to do in the pre & post shave razor care helps cut a lot of the time.

    Before that it was a DE, most often a Weber with Persona Labs.

    I use a Mach 3 when I carry on for travel - and to remind me how much I like a Straight Razor...

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    MJC is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    I hate to admit it but the only time I used a DE was when I was 12 and cut myself. I didn't have anything to shave but the experience left me DE phobic.

    I started shaving with a DE that I my Dad gave me (wish I still had it)
    On one of those early shaves I forgot to tighten the TTO and took a nice chunk out of my face.
    This fear (failing to get everything snugged up) is still with me to this day...
    But it is worth dealing with to have this skill/tool in the shaving line up..
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    I tend to use the DE more than the straight. Lately I've been using Dollar Shave Club cartridges in the shower as I have a shoulder injury and will have surgery soon.
    The interesting thing is that I don't feel cartridges save much time. They take just as many passes and till don't necessarily give a great BBS shave. The only advantage to me is that they're not aggressive and don't have to be as careful.
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