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Thread: Major update on Mitchell's Wool Fat soap!

  1. #21
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    I ran out of a puck of MWF and started using other soaps that seemed to lather up quicker. Well, one day I ran out of them and got a new MWF puck. Amazing results. Much closer, smoother shaves, far fewer nicks, great feal all day. I learned my lesson well.

    One tip I found watching a video was to load the brush upside down. The soap lasts longer and the brush loads great!

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigJim View Post
    I have an explorer's heart. I hate GPS devices, and a map is only for dire emergencies. We'll find our way to where we need to go and discover new things along the way. Once I learn a route to someplace to where I know it without really thinking about it, I can't help but try alternates just to see what's there and what might be discovered along a new road.

    That said, the rising costs of fuel have hampered my road wanderings, and similar restraints leave me looking over the map of choice routes instead of driving them when it comes to soaps, razors, stones, carburetors, tranny's, etc. The snippets you guys have given (see above) are the kind of info I'm looking for.

    In my two-wheel cruising days I was always on the lookout for two-lane black top. I had a nimble bike that was a lot of fun. Some guys liked the straight highways for high speed cruising, others liked twisty switchback hills, others looked for scenery. A guy could tell you he found a great road; maybe the best stretch of highway he'd ever been on...but what did that mean?

    It's one thing to say something is great, it's another thing to relate it to something your hearer (or reader in this case) is familiar with...especially since personal experience is such an influential factor in this case. AKA Reviews vs. Reactions

    FWIW I have no doubt that MWF is great stuff. Obie doesn't have a hollywood face for nothing! I'm just curious about it's characteristics compared to other products.

    I see you got a nice pick-up that was restored in your avatar. Now when picking out the paint for that puppy,did you go with straight enamel ( Williams soap) or did you go with something a little better,like a 2 stage Basecoat/clearcoat (MWF) ?
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  3. #23
    Some kind of Zombie BigJim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nessmuck View Post
    I see you got a nice pick-up that was restored in your avatar. Now when picking out the paint for that puppy,did you go with straight enamel ( Williams soap) or did you go with something a little better,like a 2 stage Basecoat/clearcoat (MWF) ?
    Ha Ha! An interesting analogy and a fitting one at that. Truth be told, as a high schooler knowing that I'd be taking that truck to college some 700 miles away, and having spent most of my money repairing rust damage and overhauling critical systems (like the brakes), I selected a one-shot base/clear product from PPG. A base coat clear coat paint job is much prettier, but far more expensive to apply and maintain. Straight enamel was cheaper, but wouldn't look half as nice as the product I went with.
    Now though...several years later, and nearly a hundred thousand miles later I'm wanting to repair some new rust spots and go with a rich base coat clear coat application. It will be more expensive, but since I'll be driving the truck at leisure (though pretty regularly) instead of relying on it as my only daily driver I believe I can afford the nicer paint job and it will last me.

    Maybe the same applies with MWF? Maybe it's more of a date-night soap, leisure soap for those occasions I'm taking the wife and the old truck out? We'll see. $13 for a refill isn't too expensive in the grand scheme of of the few things that is probably NOT out of my budget! But I'll probably wait until I've worked through some of my other pucks of soap, as I have several I've played around with. Being new to wet shaving (I only started as I joined SRP) there are a lot of things out there I'll eventually get to; all in good time!

    Might put a bug in the wife's ear for Father's day though.
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  4. #24
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    if you order a puck of MWF do yourself a favor and order a bar of the bath soap..
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  5. #25
    Striving for a perfect shave. GeauxLSU's Avatar
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    I've used MWF from day one (Kent's rebranded version) with excellent results. I don't use it every day, but would you eat the same thing every day? MWF will be part of my shaving for a long time to come.
    I strop my razor with my eyes closed.

  6. #26
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    Wayne, what is "Kent's rebranded version" of MWF? Don't know about that one. Please fill me in.


  7. #27
    Striving for a perfect shave. GeauxLSU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyguy View Post
    Wayne, what is "Kent's rebranded version" of MWF? Don't know about that one. Please fill me in.

    It's simply MWF with the usual decal keeping the tissue closed replaced with a Kent's decal. Besides the box, there's no difference. MWF is usually a bit cheaper, but as often the case, YMMV.
    Last edited by GeauxLSU; 06-04-2011 at 12:26 PM.
    I strop my razor with my eyes closed.

  8. #28
    Senior Member zappbrannigan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyguy View Post
    Since using wool fat shaving soap, I've noticed that I'm not getting many cuts to my face. And when I do, they don't bleed much at all . . . or am I just dreaming?
    I just tried MWF for the first time today and I agree - it seems to somehow curb the bleeding from nicks. I caught two small nicks around my jawline, and noticed that after I re-lathered for a second pass, they totally stopped bleeding. After some aftershave they let out a little, but much less than I'd have thought. Talk about an added bonus!

  9. #29
    Junior Member ChuckR9's Avatar
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    I tried MWF because so many of the threads praised it. I really liked it the first time and it is a regular in my SS rotation. The only reason I have a rotation is because some of the other soaps add fragrence that makes them more interesting (e.g., Tabac, Harris Violet, AOS Sandalwood, etc.). For lubrication and the neccesitites of a good SS, MWF is top of the line IMHO.
    Last edited by ChuckR9; 06-15-2011 at 06:31 PM.
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  10. #30
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ellsworth View Post
    if you order a puck of MWF do yourself a favor and order a bar of the bath soap..
    I concur. I am due for another batch myself
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