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  1. #31
    Senior Member
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    yeah. this thread was pretty old, and since then, i've really grown fond of the smell of the plain thayers witch hazel. i also bought some of the rose kind, but i don't use it too much because it smells very perfume-y. i do enjoy it once in a while, though. what i really love is how soft it seems to make my skin feel. my girlfriend says that a lot of homemade skin care recipes require witchhazel and so she uses it on her face just for the softness as well. and, honestly, even though it's eight bucks a bottle, it's been months since i started using it almost daily, and i haven't even used a quarter of the bottle.

  2. #32
    Senior Member Gregg's Avatar
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    That is interesting, I use it quite often and don't really notice a strong odor. It is gone in a few minutes anyway and makes the face feel good.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyrano138
    ...thayer's was going to smell so bad. i'm holding all of you personally responsible for the emotional trauma i experienced because i wasn't prepared.

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