Quote Originally Posted by karlej View Post
Those scales look like bone to me. I've never seen a set of original ivory scales where the pins had collars. Someone had a ton of patience to hone a razor with a bevel that big.
Military issue with ivory scales?? Maybe for an officer if he paid for his own kit. I would not think any government would spend extra money on an enlisted man. Any proof to back that up?
I'm sure it's a nice shave.
No proof on the statements and opinions shared. I was given the info by a straight razor officionado up here while it was in his care. He's a pro so I didn't doubt what I was told. And yes, it was an officer only thing as per what he told me.
Now that I have other pieces of authenticated ivory to lay beside it, it sure looks the same to me. Certainly different then camel bone anyway.
The big bevel, yea, that was me.
New, and not interested in staring down the blade and seeing if there was a warp back then. Starting with only one layer of tape and doing lots else wrong I patiently almost ruined it. Phil, at Classicedge.ca, not only put a great edge on it, but told me why I probably struggled with it and also the history on Reynolds Razors.
So, I believe him, and enjoy the blade. If he was misinformed, or it was reworked, I still enjoy the blade. No plan to sell it, so the info was really just to share.