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Thread: Die Revisoren (Revisor razors)

  1. #121
    Member rpaduano's Avatar
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    I was supposed to post some pictures of the stainless steel one I received a while back, but I never got around to it. Apologies for that. However, I did place a order for some additional ones just a few days ago and I will have some others to post as well. They are quite nice razors. Keep an eye out.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Very nice looking blade! Think you'll really enjoy it, the Revisor 8/8 was my first "big" blade and it's always a favorite to use.

    As OCDShaver say's, interested to read your impressions on how your first shave with it was....
    Been shaving with this for the last few days and it is a great shaver, smooth and sharp. It arrived shave ready as they promised when I inquired about it. I'm very happy with this razor.

  3. #123
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Did you request it to be made shave ready or did you just get the "factory edge?"

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    Did you request it to be made shave ready or did you just get the "factory edge?"
    I emailed them before ordering, asking if it was shave ready and they said it is. I guess I don't know the difference between shave ready and factory edge but for me it was as sharp as the other razors that were sent out for honing.
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  5. #125
    Junior Member Luap's Avatar
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    As of today I received the following Revisor: 6-0012, 6/8 mild steel , 1/1 hollow. I ordered through Revisor and Sabine was wonderfully helpful. As of 15 mins ago I completed my first shave with it and it was spectacular. One slight cut but that was due to bad driving. For the last three weeks I had been using a shavette. This was my first straight cut shave and it was The best shave of my life!

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    Last edited by Luap; 11-17-2014 at 11:01 PM.
    Razor of choice: Revisor 6/8

  6. #126
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    Did you request it to be made shave ready or did you just get the "factory edge?"
    I don't think you have the option with Revisor since you are buying direct not through a merchant. The two I have came with edges that could probably complete a shave. But looking at them under microscope, you could see a lot of peaks and valleys. A very uneven edge. I suspect they would have shaved but unless you need to send it out, why bother putting yourself through that.
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  7. #127
    Nemo me impune lacessit RobinK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCDshaver View Post
    I generally don't expect a shave ready edge from a new razor unless the merchant guarantees it.
    That is not how it goes over here. Opening the box starts the warranty period, so we do not want our vendors to open the box. Razors are expected to be sold shave ready. The entire concept of selling razors honed by the vendor does not exist.

    Quote Originally Posted by OCDshaver View Post
    I don't own an Aust so I can't compare. But like you I feel that Revisor is a top notch producer and usually the first name I recommend someone looking for a new razor.
    It would be either of two names for me. Ralf Aust makes outstanding razors, too, and they are readily available in the US thanks to Lynn and Don. For which props and kudos.

    Quote Originally Posted by OCDshaver View Post
    Its unfortunate that the ordering process is rather cumbersome because I believe that is the only thing keeping Revisor from being a far more popular choice.
    If you read the interview (you did, did you not?) you will have noticed that Revisor are a very small operation. Because of the quality products they provide, they are quite popular over here. I am not sure that "more popular" is a concept that would fit into their business model. They take excellent care of their customers, though. I think you call that "value for money" over there.

  8. #128
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCDshaver View Post
    I generally don't expect a shave ready edge from a new razor unless the merchant guarantees it. So in that regard, I am not disappointed with my Revisors in the least. I don't own an Aust so I can't compare. But like you I feel that Revisor is a top notch producer and usually the first name I recommend someone looking for a new razor. Its unfortunate that the ordering process is rather cumbersome because I believe that is the only thing keeping Revisor from being a far more popular choice.
    I bought my Revisor a couple of years ago and found that it came with an edge you could shave with but not totally to my liking. IIRC correctly, on close inspection I did notice some cosmetic imperfection with the jimping but nothing to make it unserviceable. Most things these days are not entirely perfect not even German crafted items. Being a realist able to ignore slight qibbles with a product I would order another Revisor again if I ever am in the market for a brand new razor as opposed to vintage ones.

    I too think the ordering process is a bit cumbersome and that may be hurting their sales in North America more so than the high shipping costs. In any event they are quite good to deal and will go the extra mile if you have special request and it is possible to do.

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  9. #129
    Senior Member Druid's Avatar
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    I'm a huge fan of Revisor!

    The Kronenbergs are first class to deal with .. Communication could not be better, shipping is fast, and quite honestly, well with in reason from Europe ... my latest from Revisor was here within one week of ordering, and that's including 3 or 4 days in Customs at Kennedy in NY. I like the fact that they are small and employ the older Craftsmen with decades of experience in their hands, and for my tastes, they all have come with great edges, but then, I do not favor harsh synthetic edges. Less is More is my style!

    There is one more Revisor in my future ... and then I'm finished buying razors ...
    Neil Miller and Steel like this.

  10. #130
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    I have bought two revisors from the Kronenbergs. Neither were shave ready to my liking but I expected it and would likely have honed them anyway. The service and ordering process were no problem. I will buy again soon.
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