Quote Originally Posted by ColonelG View Post
I'm telling you that is the exact reason that I made the switch 3+ months ago.
No kidding, I was fairly satisfied with my double-blade Atra. No fuss, no muss. Over time, new 'shaving systems' were showing up on my shelf. I asked SWMBO'd what was up and she said she couldn't get the blades any more so I had to upgrade. That happened again and again until I was using Fusion-5. I went to the store to pick them up AND SO HELP ME THEY HAD THE CARTRIDGES UNDER LOCK AND KEY!!!
Never again!
Razor blade carts are the most common item to be shop lifted down here, probably the same where you are. Haven't looked at the price for a while, but if they are $27 in the US, they will be well over $30 NZ here.