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Thread: Evidence of Filarmonica Manufactured in Solingen?????

  1. #11
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobinK View Post
    Well, Rob, unlike yourself, I grew up in this country. I know a box when I see one. And that box (or, rather, these boxes, except for the yellow lined one) are old.

    I regret to inform you that I have never worked with Batman. It may come as a shock to you, but Batman is a comic figure. He is not real. Neither is his sidekick.

    And by the way, the last comment was a joke. For which apologies. Further to Birnando's demand that I mark my opinion as my opinion, I shall henceforth mark humour as such. Shipping would not kill you. But production would, even today. <humour>It would be as useless as shipping to the UK. Which is why we simply export our engineers. Ask JLR, they will tell you what the difference is.</humour> In my opinion.
    Robin, yet again you avoid the issue. If you want to talk about JLR, I'm the man to speak to, currently the company I work for has nearly 5000 people working on the contract. It is also one of the biggest companies in Germany so please do not make any assumptions based on my forum name.
    My service is good, fast and cheap. Select any two and discount the third.

  2. #12
    Nemo me impune lacessit RobinK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UKRob View Post
    I'm the man to speak to[...]
    Actually, you are not. Martin is. He takes care of my Defender and my BabyRR.

    But tell me, Bob (if you do not mind me calling you Bob, Rob), why are trying to derail this thread? Prior to your intervention (which my wife thinks might be related to a passive-aggressive personality disorder, so much so that you might want to have this looked at by your local GP, she says), we had been discussing Paul's pictures in a civilised fashion. Since then, you have taken this discussion downhill. And I wonder why. So does my wife, albeit that she is more concerned for your mental health than I.

    Sincerely yours,
    Last edited by RobinK; 12-12-2014 at 11:59 PM. Reason: ?

  3. #13
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobinK View Post
    Actually, you are not. Martin is. He takes care of my Defender and my BabyRR.

    But tell me, Bob (if you do not mind me calling you Bob, Rob), why are trying to derail this thread? Prior to your intervention (which my wife thinks might be related to a passive-aggressive personality disorder, so much so that you might want to have this looked at by your local GP, she says), we had been discussing Paul's pictures in a civilised fashion. Since then, you have taken this discussion downhill. And I wonder why. So does my wife, albeit that she is more concerned for your mental health than I.

    Sincerely yours,
    Robin, if I were your wife, I'd be far more concerned about your propensity for needing the last word. If I were you, I'd be very concerned that my wife was leaning over my shoulder and reading this kind of stuff at this time of night.

    My wife is happily tucked up in bed. Goodnight.
    Neil Miller likes this.
    My service is good, fast and cheap. Select any two and discount the third.

  4. #14
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    I seriously think you all need to step away from the keyboards. Its a disgrace to see such bickering.

    At least I think it is.

    Do I believe any age can be determined by the scant visibility of a few pieces of a cardboard box? Of course I don't. And neither does anybody else. Even if it WERE possible to say "that box is old" it means absolutely NOTHING to the age of the items inside the box. I have all sorts of new things stored in old boxes.

    Do I believe those scales are old? Nope. I don't. I think they are quite new. I also think that many of the "vintage" blades that are showing up all over the net are new made versions of the old classics by people who own the trademarks.
    Can I prove my theory? Nope. and you know what? IT DOESNT MATTER!! New manufacture, or old, people (as far as I know) have had no complaints about the quality of the craftsmanship on the "alleged" NOS razors they have been buying.
    Can anybody prove the box is old? DOES IT MATTER?
    Can anybody prove the scales are old? DOES IT MATTER?
    Whats wrong with you guys? Stop already. If there is more to this than is being let on, then say it already. Out loud, and no coyness, slyness, mysterious "I know something you don't" stuff. I keep seeing stuff like this on the site and it makes me angry, and worse, it makes me sad. This is supposed to be a place for gentlemen. And this.... This makes me not want to hang around here.

  5. #15
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
    I seriously think you all need to step away from the keyboards. Its a disgrace to see such bickering.

    At least I think it is.

    Do I believe any age can be determined by the scant visibility of a few pieces of a cardboard box? Of course I don't. And neither does anybody else. Even if it WERE possible to say "that box is old" it means absolutely NOTHING to the age of the items inside the box. I have all sorts of new things stored in old boxes.

    Do I believe those scales are old? Nope. I don't. I think they are quite new. I also think that many of the "vintage" blades that are showing up all over the net are new made versions of the old classics by people who own the trademarks.
    Can I prove my theory? Nope. and you know what? IT DOESNT MATTER!! New manufacture, or old, people (as far as I know) have had no complaints about the quality of the craftsmanship on the "alleged" NOS razors they have been buying.
    Can anybody prove the box is old? DOES IT MATTER?
    Can anybody prove the scales are old? DOES IT MATTER?
    Whats wrong with you guys? Stop already. If there is more to this than is being let on, then say it already. Out loud, and no coyness, slyness, mysterious "I know something you don't" stuff. I keep seeing stuff like this on the site and it makes me angry, and worse, it makes me sad. This is supposed to be a place for gentlemen. And this.... This makes me not want to hang around here.
    I agree that the bickering needs to stop. Unfortunately, it seems to be part of the forum thing... This one, believe it or not, has less of it that just about any I've ever seen. Even college fan sites have more bickering amongst fans OF THE SAME TEAM than here... But, yeah

    As to the pictures. I hope you don't mean me with the coyness. I'm passing on what I found. The people who I know with connections to Solingen say Filarmonicas came from Herkenrath blanks, as did many, many other types of blades. This from first hand accounts from old men who lived through the boom. Without being able to provide pictures of invoices, a lot of people don't believe it. Fine. But, the pictures I got were purported to be genuine article by a person that doesn't hang out on these forums. So, we can either choose to believe it or not. I believe it because I know the guy, and I know his background. Believe it or not. I can't offer proof, but I offered pictures that at the very least show the story retold by the old guys as being plausible... That's the point of the thread

  6. #16
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Yep. Insults, namecalling, references to wives and their opinions really have no place.
    Easy to see truths, facts, and fallacies . Discuss, disagree, but a rotton thread seems to spoil the forum.
    Let's not.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  7. #17
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Related, I just did a Yahoo search for pics and factory info on Filarmonica in Spain. Came up empty with exception of written words. In the razor world, many were, and are, credited for making what they bought and sold. Carl Monkhouse comes to mind. DublDuck, etc.
    Some pics of Filarmonicas being produced, verifiably, in Spain would be handy. The factory was shuttered not so far back, as razors go. Certainly there would be evidence/witnesses around us!
    Not saying it does not exist. Dumb old me just could not find it easily!
    Last edited by sharptonn; 12-13-2014 at 04:26 AM.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  8. #18
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Related, I just did a Yahoo search for pics and factory info on Filarmonica in Spain. Came up empty with exception of written words. In the razor world, many were credited for making what they bought and sold. Carl Monkhouse comes to mind.
    Some pics of Filarmonicas being produced, verifiably, in Spain would be handy. The factory was shuttered not so far back, as razors go. Certainly there would be evidence/witnesses around us!
    True, but it wouldn't necessarily answer the question about the blank origins, though would it? It's not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, but it's fascinating... You know as navel gazing goes
    sharptonn likes this.

  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    We're all gentlemen here, I presume, so let's behave as such. Many companies made 'good' razors, how important is it where the blanks were sourced from ? It is a matter only for the cognoscenti to be interested in.

    For most of us the razor either delivers the goods, or it doesn't regardless of the name stamped, or etched, on the tang. So please keep it civil. No aspersions cast as to one another's mental health or possible nefarious motives. It's a razor/shaving forum so let's keep on topic please ..... and the thread won't be closed.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to JimmyHAD For This Useful Post:

    markbignosekelly (12-16-2014)

  11. #20
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    We're all gentlemen here, I presume, so let's behave as such. Many companies made 'good' razors, how important is it where the blanks were sourced from ? It is a matter only for the cognoscenti to be interested in.

    For most of us the razor either delivers the goods, or it doesn't regardless of the name stamped, or etched, on the tang. So please keep it civil. No aspersions cast as to one another's mental health or possible nefarious motives. It's a razor/shaving forum so let's keep on topic please ..... and the thread won't be closed.
    While the nature of your concerns in the thread are 100% on point, I do think it is interesting for one very important reason. It seems that I got caught up in brands early on and attributed qualities to the razor's steel based on the brand. However, if the blanks came from the same forge, with the same people doing all the QC throughout the process, it seems that all of those differences were likely in my head. It sort of demystifies things a bit. The more money I spent, the more I started to realize that apart from aesthetics, there *really* wasn't that much difference after all in all of these things.

    I'm a huge nerd though, and I don't mind focusing in on a subject and discussing it ad nauseum. When it gets tedious, I'm happy to take the discussion offline or just ponder it myself. No big deal
    Last edited by richmondesi; 12-13-2014 at 04:57 AM.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to richmondesi For This Useful Post:

    Geezer (12-13-2014)

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