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Thread: JA Henkels find... seeking suggestions

  1. #11
    pcm is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    It does not matter which metal polish you use really. I would say use the one that is most convenient to buy. I use mothers aluminum and mag wheel polish. As for steel wool the 0000 is the finest. You can start with that. It will take off the black and leave the pits. The downside of that approach is that it definitely requires a lot of elbow grease. It works well and is very inexpensive.
    Thanks. I'll see what polish I have around, and the steel wool, to see if it is fine enough.


  2. #12
    pcm is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Substance View Post
    +1 it can be saved for sure
    as mentioned above the 3rd close up with the pitting etc to the edge is more of a concern than the chips that will hone out
    getting back to clean steel is a must,
    you think it would be ok but those tiny divots will be chippy & potentially crack if left, but most of all your face will feel them as they will feel like a serrated blade on your face & like the hairs are getting plucked,
    Yes I found this out the hard way prior to getting a loupe & then realizing why a certain blade was so ANGRY but once honed to a full clean edge the blade was fine.

    I personally don't fully bread knife & just hone away until it is good steel unless I am reshaping the blade completely
    you can hone at a higher angle get to a clean edge quicker but you still have to remove all the bevel anyway

    look forward to seeing you progress.
    Thanks for the tips and I will surely post follow ups, once it get to honing, hopefully, later this week.
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  3. #13
    pcm is offline
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    Anyone know what the 73 stamped on the blade, near the tang, means? Where can I find out more about the razor...just curious about it. It seems to be a different grind than my other blades, maybe a half hollow. It is just a smidge over a 1/2" wide.


  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    73 is the model of the blade
    Name:  henckeltwins.gif
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    This is some of the time frames on when some of the varying logos were used.
    Henckels made a very large number of razors. They were in the razor business for a long time.
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    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  5. #15
    pcm is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    73 is the model of the blade
    Name:  henckeltwins.gif
Views: 89
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    This is some of the time frames on when some of the varying logos were used.
    Henckels made a very large number of razors. They were in the razor business for a long time.
    Cool. The logo looks like the 1900 one, on my blade. I'll have to look up model 73.


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