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Thread: New Le Grelot from Rasoir Sabre

  1. #1
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    Default New Le Grelot from Rasoir Sabre

    After obtaining razors from Ralf Aust, Boker, and Dovo, I thought my next purchase would be a Thiers Issard. However, there appear to be some availability issues. Also, I have read that Thiers Issard, while making fine shaving instruments, often has some quality issues. I read on the web site that they discontinued selling TI razors due to quality issues and have now begun to sell Le Grelot razors produced by Rasoir Sabre in Thiers, France since 2015. In the States, Classic Shaving sells Rasoir Sabre razors. They listed an "exclusive" 7/8" Le Grelot Wings barber notch blade with black horn scales. The 7/8" blade is purportedly produced from historical Le Grelot forgings, only a small number of which remain. The 5/6" and 6/8" blades come from new forgings.

    I ordered the razor on December 26 when Classic Shaving was closed for holiday. The order was shipped when they reopened on Dec. 27. The USPS shipment from Sandpoint, ID to the Chicago suburbs took two days, so I received the razor in the mail on the 29th. That is excellent service both by Classic Shaving and USPS.

    The quality of this razor is comparable to my Ralf Aust, both are flawless in craftsmanship. Ertan Suer, who is the craftsman behind Rasoir Sabre, claims his razors to be shave ready, fully honed, finished on a Coticule, and stropped on leather. Thus, after wiping off the oil and disinfecting the blade, I used the razor this morning for my shave without even stropping. I was cautious at first as this was my first shave with a 7/8" blade. However, the shave was uneventful with no nicks, cuts or irritation. I got a great BBS shave, comparable to the shaves I received using razors purchased from SRD.

    There is little information on the SRP forum about the razors produced by Rasoir Sabre, either those sold under the Le Grelot brand, or those sold under the name of Ertan Suer. However, if Rasoir Sabre continues to ship razors of such pristine quality, that could soon change.
    rolodave and RezDog like this.

  2. #2
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    I ordered one after reading your post. I'm game to give it a try.

  3. #3
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    Please review your experience with Classic Shaving and your review of the razor when you receive it. I hope your experience is a good as mine.

  4. #4
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    Just an update on Rasoir Sabre: the owner moved back to his native Turkey, but is still making razors with blanks imported from Thiers.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Horsehide For This Useful Post:

    RayClem (01-04-2017)

  6. #5
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    Horsaehide, thanks for the update.

    The Le Grelot razor I purchased was stamped 2015, so I presume that was when Ertan Suer was living in Thiers. If he has moved back to Turkey and took all his equipment with him, the craftsmanship of his razors should not change significantly. It may be that he needed to produce Le Grelot razors in Thiers for authenticity. If all the historical 7/8" Le Grelot blanks have been consumed (I read that there were fewer than 100 remaining), perhaps he no longer felt compelled to operate from Thiers. If you have additional information, please elaborate.

    The difference between Le Grelot Hospital, Thiers Issard Le Grelot, and Rasoir Sabre Le Grelot is all quite confusing. I am just happy that I purchased really fine looking and fine shaving razor for a reasonable price.

  7. #6
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    I completed my first shave today with this Le Grelot purchased from Classic Shaving.

    The good news is that it was an excellent shave! A great feeling 7/8th half-hollow.

    The bad news:

    The blade was covered in some sticky goop. Took about 10 minutes with rubbing alcohol to clean off.

    Chip in the edge. Took it to the 400 Naniwa Pro to remove.

    Dirty wedge with no attention to detail. In the picture you will even see a hair in between the scales.

    The scales are not aligned correctly.

    It's definitely a keeper, I just now have to find someone to replace the scales. I don't mind cheap scales, but these are not acceptable.

    Was it worth $205 (sale price)? For me, yes. I have had a hard time finding a 7/8th half-hollow in basic carbon steel. The last 7/8th half-hollow vintage Le Grelot I bought had way too many pits and required tape to hold an edge (so I sold it right away).

    Once I get some nice scales put on, this will be one of my favorites.

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    Last edited by jeffus; 01-11-2017 at 03:52 AM.

  8. #7
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    Since you ordered your razor based on my recommendation, I am sorry for your disappointment; but I am glad you consider the razor a keeper. Your experience was different than mine. I will respond to your points.

    I have no idea how your razor might have gotten a chip. I am glad you have the hones and skills to fix the blade. I did not even have to strop my blade before shaving.

    Your wedge definitely looked smugged. Mine was perfectly smooth.

    Your scales are definitely misaligned. Mine were well aligned.

    I guess I good one of the good ones and your was not quite as good.
    The bottom line though, is that we both consider our razors as keepers.

    As with your razor, mine was covered with a corrosion protectant (goop). I wiped off the blade, disinfected it with Barbicide and shaved. Since my razor was made in 2015, I am glad it was well protected from corrosion.
    caljw likes this.

  9. #8
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    Hey RayClem,

    Yep, I got the lesser deal. But I'm sure that a beginner would have been able to send it back to Classic Shaving for a new honing. If he had a loupe and looked before shaving, that is. I never ever shave with a new razor without first checking it through the loupe.

    I will actually contact them and see if they are willing to install some new scales. I've included two more pictures to show you how truly terrible the wedge is, and how the blade doesn't sit center.


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  10. #9
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    In my opinion this is unacceptable on a brand new razor.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin103 View Post
    In my opinion this is unacceptable on a brand new razor.
    Dave at Classic Shaving has offered to exchange the razor. This time I will have him check it before mailing it to me, as well as honing. Great customer service.

    Two more pictures:

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