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Thread: Best bang for the buck?

  1. #31
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    Get some Ballistol to treat your strop! It is good for leather & so much more. Check it out at


  2. #32
    Senior Member Phoenix51's Avatar
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    If you have not bought anything yet, your shave set up can be accomplished today with first class, top-end equipment, shave ready and totally ready to hit the ground running.
    The Superior Shave has a great selection of Rasoir-Sabre blades on sale for about $172 or so, new. Jarrod (owner) puts one of the best edges you will ever use on his razors before they go out the door. These blades share a lineage with Thiers Issard. Reportedly very good stuff.
    Tony Miller makes world class strops. Right now you can get one of his entry level strops new for $30 ($40 with fabric component...which many guys don’t use, personal choice. For $10 I guess I’d get one..then maybe not).
    So for $210.00 or so (figuring in shipping), you have high end gear for your introduction into the wonderful world of straight razor shaving. Now that’s the way I would go....

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelPz View Post
    I think the most important thing is to shave with a razor that has been honed by someone who knows how to put a good edge on it. When I first started, I bought a couple of big name razors that I couldn't get good shaves from. I then ordered a new Ralf Aust razor from a reliable vendor who put a great edge on it, and the difference was remarkable-it gave me confidence that I could get a great shave with a straight razor. If you're going to go the vintage route, the BST here is excellent, I would recommend staying away from the bay until you get some more experience.
    This... As a newbie I hated the experience with many razors. Almost gave up until I bought a cheap new Dovo honed by a reputable vendor. World's of difference in quality of shave.

  4. #34
    Senior Member Michael70's Avatar
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    Used vintage but if you do not know what you are looking for and value a Ralf Aust basic razor in 5/8 is a WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!
    M14Shooter likes this.
    German blade snob!

  5. #35
    bcw is offline
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    Portland Razor Company offers a starter set of a razor and strop that is within your parameters. I have owned both for some time and find the equipment and the people first rate.

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  7. #36
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    Dovo, Boker or Aust

  8. #37
    Captain ARAD. Voidmonster's Avatar
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    You know, in the past, I’ve felt like I should be diplomatic about it. But Dovo ‘Best Quality’ blades are garbage. I’ve had 3-4 go through my hands and they are all pointlesly difficult to hone and take a worse edge than any 1900’s hardware store razor (all of which, even the badly abused ones, have taken a good shaving edge).

    So my advice woul be do not get a Dovo.
    -Zak Jarvis. Writer. Artist. Bon vivant.

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