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Thread: Thiers Issard

  1. #1
    Senior Member Jnatcat's Avatar
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    Default Thiers Issard


    Have been wanting to get a Thiers Issard Razor but have heard about some quality issues, my biggest concern is the bevel, I know the bevel being even and perfect makes no difference in the shave but my OCD wants the perfectly even bevel, the other things I had heard are warped blades and scales that have had issues so for those that have newer produced TI’s what issues have you seen.

    I have been looking mostly on The Invisable Edge as they seem to carry a lot of them, I am looking at the higher end models and not the entry level ones, the ones that sport the rams horn scales and worked spines really catch my eye but those are the pricey ones.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    i have a new TI Bison. it's a great shaver but it came with a uneven/slightly wavy edge and a slight warp. I guess a uneven bevel doesn't bother me. Not sure if the quality control is any better on the more pricey ones.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Jnatcat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tintin View Post
    i have a new TI Bison. it's a great shaver but it came with a uneven/slightly wavy edge and a slight warp. I guess a uneven bevel doesn't bother me. Not sure if the quality control is any better on the more pricey ones.
    I am looking at the Dreadnought blades with ramshorn scales, the place I have been looking at has this in there return policy so it makes me wonder

    PLEASE NOTE that the manufacture of the razors, and many of the accessories, we sell involves manual processes by skilled but fallible craftsmen. While you may return them under our returns policy above, we will not accept a claim that a razor is faulty as a result only of a wide/uneven bevel, hone wear or some minor blemish or variation in finish. In particular, all razor scales made from natural materials may vary significantly in colouring and figuring/grain.
    "A Honer's adage "Hone-Shave-Repeat"


  4. #4
    Senior Member BanjoTom's Avatar
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    TI makes a great razor. I own four of them. One needed a bevel set, once that was accomplished it matches the best of the rest. You will be happy with one when you own it.
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  5. #5
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jnatcat View Post
    I know the bevel being even and perfect makes no difference in the shave but my OCD wants the perfectly even bevel
    Many a year ago my girlfriend at the time had one breast that was larger than the other. Did it make any difference? NO! I guess I wasn't OCD. And whether or not a razor has bevels that are 'even and perfect' doesn't matter to me either. Just as long as the blade gives me a good shave. Just my thoughts----------
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  6. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I do quite a few TI's through AoS

    About 7 years ago there were some serious scale QC Issues I haven't seen those in at least 3 years
    Lower end TI and Lower end Dovo seem to have some issues with a bevel that is almost a frown so you need to hone toward a smile so you do not exacerbate the tendency
    The higher end stuff I don't see that

    TI really take to J-nats for a finish IMHO, I think for you it will be a match made in heaven :P
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  7. #7
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jnatcat View Post

    Have been wanting to get a Thiers Issard Razor but have heard about some quality issues, my biggest concern is the bevel, I know the bevel being even and perfect makes no difference in the shave but my OCD wants the perfectly even bevel, the other things I had heard are warped blades and scales that have had issues so for those that have newer produced TI’s what issues have you seen.

    I have been looking mostly on The Invisable Edge as they seem to carry a lot of them, I am looking at the higher end models and not the entry level ones, the ones that sport the rams horn scales and worked spines really catch my eye but those are the pricey ones.
    Have passed on a couple of used TI razors recently because of the uneven bevels on them. Both were less than half retail and pretty much new. OCD, maybe. But then you look at a Ralf Aust and you can't fault them.
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  8. #8 JOB15's Avatar
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    Some of the T.I issues are shocking but the steel is exceptional when dialled in imo.
    A few years ago I bought a T.I from The Invisible Edge , part of the grind on the bevel was so thin that there was a hole there.
    I sent it back and swapped it with no problems.
    Just make sure you ask them to inspect the razor before sending it out.

  9. #9
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Can't say Iv'e had a TI that shaved badly & I always recommend them over Dovo.. A few with wonky bevels or geometry on the entry level but even they shaved well when honed up. Nice steel.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Like you I wanted to try a TI razor but was a little leery because of QC issues I had heard about. About a year ago I bought one of their La Legende series razors when they were on sale. When I got it I did not like the look of the edge, too many sparklies when looking through a loupe, so I re set the bevel and honed it. No problems with the rest of the razor though. Once I honed the TI shaved as well as any other of the razors I have. I can't recall what the bevel looks like now and it is not easily to hand at the moment, just remember that it shaves well.

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