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Thread: 7/8" and larger

  1. #11
    Oh Yes! poona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crichton View Post
    I usually get my best shaves using a 5/8 or sometimes 6/8 razor. I do have a couple of 7/8 and one 8/8 that I use once in a while just for kicks. A nice 5/8 full hollow serves me best.......
    A 'couple'.....!?

    Are you telling porkies Eric?

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    Have to agree though, my best shaves come from 6/8 or 5/8ths

  2. #12
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    Lately I've been reaching for my 7/8 Friodur more than any other razor. Not sure why, 'cause it nicks me more than any other razor.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Smaller razors seem to give me more feed back somehow. Although I like using the larger blades my best shavers yet are still 5/8 and 6/8. The smaller the blade the more my fingers holding the tang get in the way.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Question: among those who prefer shaving with the larger blades, 7/8 and wider, how many have moustaches and goatees? The coup d'maitre, or whatever the twisting of the blade under one's nose is called, becomes more difficult for me as the width of the blade increases. So, is the wider blade generally preferred by those who are only partially clean shaven? If I were to have kept a moustache and goatee from my bearded days, I could shave in about 1/3 the time it takes to do my whole face if I could eliminate the delicate work under my nose, around my lips, and down and around my chin.
    Last edited by Bruce; 04-16-2008 at 03:03 PM.

  5. #15
    Libertarian Freak Dewey's Avatar
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    I am clean shaven and really prefer the 7/8 razors. I have a tough wirey beard - not sure if that's it or that it's a machismo factor in the wider blades. The Coup de Maitre doesn't bother me anymore (but it did when I was newer). I also like wedges to half hollows best. Truly, the important thing is whatever YOU actually like. That's the only point that matters

    Wanted to add that I have yet to try anything bigger than 7/8 so I may find that a 10/8 Jos. Rodgers is actually my blade of choice - I just don't know it yet!
    Last edited by Dewey; 04-16-2008 at 01:36 PM.

  6. #16
    Bald before it was cool junkinduck's Avatar
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    I was going to do a post like this but was afraid I would be branded girly and accused of having a pink razor . I like the narrower blades to shave my head with. I was so excited to get my WB back from Traveller and it is a great shaver I just don't enjoy using it as much as my narrower blades. Tim Zowada had a little short narrower almost feather looking blade at the OH get together the only thing between me and it was some cash. My fav is still an old union spike I just enjoy shaving with it so much. It is a little over 4/8 may have been a 5/8 at one point.


  7. #17
    Senior Member xChris's Avatar
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    I'm a meatchopper & liplopper fan! 6/8 is usually the smallest that I prefer, but I do have smaller in the ranks. I also prefer the heavier grinds but have some full holows too. I'm clean shaven, and don't have problems with shaving under my nose.

  8. #18
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    for me it depends on usage. for flat place like my cheeks and neck, I'll use a wider razor and enjoy it, but when I trim my moustache area and other hard-to-reach spots, I invariably switch to a slender 4/8 spike point. I especially find the coup d'maitre awful with a larger razor. definitely a move that will allow the manouverability of your smaller razors to shine.

    if you find find skinnier or wider razors easier to use, just roll with it. wider isn't necessarily better.

  9. #19
    Senior Member fallout55's Avatar
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    I'd have to say my most comfortable size/razor is my 7/8 Friodur. If I'm in a big hurry, that's the one I use. I seem to be able to get away with little goofs that would slice me up with a 4/8 or 5/8. It seems like a tiny twist of my wrist causes a little change of angle with the 7/8, but a major change with a 5/8. I finally sold off both my 4/8s not too long ago. I remember the doorbell rang and I cut a divot out of my chin

  10. #20
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce View Post
    Question: among those who prefer shaving with the larger blades, 7/8 and wider, how many have moustaches and goatees? The coup d'maitre, or whatever the twisting of the blade under one's nose is called, becomes more difficult for me as the width of the blade increases. So, is the wider blade generally preferred by those who are only partially clean shaven? If I were to have kept a moustache and goatee from my bearded days, I could shave in about 1/3 the time it takes to do my whole face if I could eliminate the delicate work under my nose, around my lips, and down and around my chin.

    Absolutely clean shaven here... or at least my face is
    I have no trouble getting my chin or under my nose with a 7/8 or 8/8
    And although I'm not a fan of wedges, I do like a stiffer grind like a half hollow.
    And yes I have a very wiry beard.

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