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Thread: 7/8" and larger

  1. #1
    The Mok Ookla's Avatar
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    Default 7/8" and larger

    I know most of you fellas(and ladies) seem to prefer the bigger razors. I only have one (my SotD today), but It just feels a bit clunky to me. I tend to end up with the occasional nick and my shaves seem to take a lot longer with this one. It's supremely sharp, as are the rest of the razors Dan (Floppyshoes) honed for me, but I think the bigger blade just isn't for me. I have a fairly narrow bony face, perhaps I am just meant for a smaller razor. Am I alone on this one?

  2. #2
    < Banned User >
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    Well if you don't like your 7/8 razor, can I have it?

  3. #3
    The Mok Ookla's Avatar
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    I like it, but it's quickly becoming my least favorite. I just find it odd because the larger sized Shefffields seem to be a favorite.

  4. #4
    Senior Member crichton's Avatar
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    I usually get my best shaves using a 5/8 or sometimes 6/8 razor. I do have a couple of 7/8 and one 8/8 that I use once in a while just for kicks. A nice 5/8 full hollow serves me best.......

  5. #5
    Senior Member vgod's Avatar
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    i love the big blade. a huge wedge feels so much differently than a full hollow 5/8. but everyone is so different. this may be your least favorite now, however it is not to say that if you pulled it out every couple of weeks you may come to appreciate it more.

    currently, my daily shaver is a depews ?4/8? wedge that is about 2.5 inches long. incredibly sharp, super str8, and so different than a full 8/8 wedge. my likes change daily and i am sure that after a few different razors, yours may as well.

    either way, enjoy each shave.


  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    I love the bigger blades...I have a 5/8 Dovo perlex that I bought new and had Lynn hone for me that is my least fav..I have used it only 3 or 4 times and have decided I prefer the larger blades. I also have a Genco that is 5/8 and I find I only use that smaller one to shape my stache. I guess I am just a BIG blade guy.
    Having Fun Shaving

  7. #7
    Vintage Gear Head shotwell1234's Avatar
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    I would have to agree with the original poster here, I find the large blades difficult to work with. I honestly have no idea how you shave under your nose or behind your jawbone with something that big. Anyway, my favorites are 5/8 wedges or 1/4 hollows, though I have a 6/8 half hollow that I really like too.

  8. #8
    Managing the UnManageable TOB9595's Avatar
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    I like the BIG blades from an aesthetic look. THEY are soo cool. and can get so much engraved on a blade
    Ever since I started to straight shave I thought the narrow and short blades allow me the ability to control and SEE better. Tho I have gotten good at not seeing when I shave.

  9. #9
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Seems like we did a thread on favorite sizes awhile back and as expected the favorite size was the 6/8 with almost equal votes on either side of the middle...
    I personally love the looks a feel of the actual 11/16 razors to my eye they just seem very balanced..
    I don"t even own a blade larger than 6/8 anymore I sold them all off
    All that being said my next razor will finally be a TI, and the only one that looks balanced to me, is the 7/8 spike so I am going to give it a shot....

  10. #10
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    I learned to shave with a 5/8, got a 6/8 and liked it better, now my entire rotation is 7/8 or larger.
    For me the added weight of a larger razor makes things easier. I can allow the razor to do all of the work for me, and just enjoy the ride. When I test shave a 5/8 or even a 6/8 I have to make myself move or push the blade, because it doesn't have the weight behind it.
    also for some reason, regardless of prep, and angle, or how sharp the blade is, my beard can stop smaller blades in their tracks... especially on my chin and jaw line.

    It's all in what you are used to, and comfortable with.
    As your skill level improves, and you become comfortable with all of your blades, you will eventually find the combination that is ideal for you. be it a 3/8 wedge, or a 9/8 hollow... Even so it's always fun to try something different.

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