View Poll Results: Do you consider yourself a collector

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  • I'm a seasoned collector, and I 'm fine with it.

    12 8.82%
  • I'm NOT a razor collector

    24 17.65%
  • I'm not a razor collector, but I do own a growing herd

    74 54.41%
  • I'm a member of the RAA (Razor Aquisition Anonymous)

    26 19.12%
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  1. #31
    Frameback Aficionado heavydutysg135's Avatar
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    I only collect razors that I absolutely love to shave with, I will not and do not own razors just because they are "valuable" or collector's pieces. Right now I have about 10 razors in my "collection" and shave with all of them on a regular basis. When I had about 40-50 I guess that I would consider myself a "collector" but now I consider myself more of a user who appreciates shaving with fine razors.

  2. #32
    Coticule researcher
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    Quote Originally Posted by heavydutysg135 View Post
    I only collect razors that I absolutely love to shave with, I will not and do not own razors just because they are "valuable" or collector's pieces. Right now I have about 10 razors in my "collection" and shave with all of them on a regular basis. When I had about 40-50 I guess that I would consider myself a "collector" but now I consider myself more of a user who appreciates shaving with fine razors.
    I guess the "aficionado" word from your subtitle is chosen with great care.
    And if I understand correctly, it applies to the majority of people here.

    As with smoking cigars, those who smoke them are aficionados. The ones that gather them, are collectors.
    Both are okay, in my point of view, as long as it doesn't turn into some unstoppable greed thing.

    I thank everyone that voted and replyed so far. Quite revealing. I genuinly thought there were much more seasonned collectors here.


  3. #33
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce View Post

    This Livi thing rings a faint bell. Can you expand on where you may have heard about this?

    The Livi group buy came about after the "Great Crash" last January. Here is the last thread
    We are waiting for them to show up.

  4. #34
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    Hi, My name is Tony, and I'm a .........

    My herd has grown from 1 good razor a little over a year ago to 10 atm.
    I collect, but I believe that just looking at something is a waste of a good razor too. I guess I'm a contradiction, I collect and use.

    Of course this question leads to others..... are we also collectors of mugs, brushes, strops, hones, and at least in my case (I haven't heard of anyone here confessing to this) shaving mirrors, (the old kind with places for storage..draers or boxes).

  5. #35
    Searching for the Frameback ragnost's Avatar
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    oh Sh#t I just bought 3 Boker's in 2 days where's the number for the RAA

  6. #36
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    I've been back in Oz on holiday for two weeks now and I have aquired eleven razors so far. I have two weeks to go on my holiday and who knows how many razors I will end up with. I guess I have to admit I am a collector now.
    My name is Nathan and I have Razor Aquisition Disorder.

  7. #37
    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    As I stand up, I say, "My name is Steve, and I'm a Str8 Razor Junkie" ..........

  8. #38
    . Otto's Avatar
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    I don’t consider myself to be a collector. Right now I have:
    Six razors in my current rotation.
    One razor in my workshop, getting cleaned and honed, to join the rotation.
    One razor in the mail to join the rotation.

    And one razor that used to belong to my Great Grandfather. I store it in my gun cabinet because it is so worn that it would not be much of a razor to use. It is not worth anything for anybody except its sentimental value for me. So it’s not a “collector’s item”.

    I’m not collecting razors; I’m on a quest for the ultimate shave.

  9. #39
    Just a wanderer on this journey mkevenson's Avatar
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    Well, I started with 2 SR blades and have aquired 8 more in 3 months. I did sell one tho and have 2 more that I am going to pass on. Since I make every blade I have shave ready and use each or get rid of it I don't feel that I am a collector. That being said I love the hunt and am looking for really specific blades now. To me a collector may be a person who buys blades but not to shave with. I know that Lynn has a lot of blades and says that he has shaved with all of them, on his DVD, but obviously it would take years to go thru his rotation. So what is the definition of a collector?

  10. #40
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I voted in this poll when it came up but in rereading it I see that I didn't post. I am a collector and have been of one thing or another since I was knee high. My tendency has always been to collect things that I can use. If I can't interact with the obscure object of desire it is less appealing to me. With that philosophy razors are a perfect subject for collecting.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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