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Thread: Modified Gold Dollar

  1. #771
    Senior Member jpcwon's Avatar
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    Well 1st of all welcome! Second of all; do you know if the GD came shave ready? (I'm assuming no)...What could be happening here is that the bevel may need to be set. Setting the bevel is definitely the most important step in any honing regimen, as it establishes the geometry of the edge. What ends up happening if you don't set the bevel is you end up just polishing a dull edge. This is what I ran into when I first started honing (just a few weeks ago!!), so I went and got myself a 1k Bevel-Setter. It really makes all the difference in the world!!

    Now it IS possible to set a bevel off of just the Norton 4k, it just takes a little more effort (and slurry). I am, however, just a newb myself, and I'm sure some of the more "veteran" honers will chime in here!!

  2. #772
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    You picked a rough brand to start with.. But they can be made to shave. imwould imagine that you are having problems setting the bevel. When I get a unsharpened razor mmost of my time is spent on a 1 k stone before going to a 4k and 8 k. I am not a pro but my routine is something like this: 250 strokes on a 1k, 100 4k, 100 8k, 100 coticle, then I strop 4, strokes on the coticle, 100 strokes on the strop and the blade is usuallyvshave ready

  3. #773
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Greg do our self a favor and contact Maxi, he has fixed up a few of the gold dollar shavers and claims they are some of his best shavers. You can find his add in the classifieds under member services.

    P.S. I guess you got my email

    Hirlau likes this.

  4. #774
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    Thanks to all who have replied to my post. If I can't get this sharp I'll give Maxi a call but I'd like to learn how to do this myself, so I'll get a 1k stone and give it a shot. I haven't heard of coticle what is this.

  5. #775
    Senior Member jpcwon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lance View Post
    Thanks to all who have replied to my post. If I can't get this sharp I'll give Maxi a call but I'd like to learn how to do this myself, so I'll get a 1k stone and give it a shot. I haven't heard of coticle what is this.
    A coticule is a piece of rock from Belguim that functions as a fantastic hone...

  6. #776
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    First, Read through this huge thread on GD razors...

    Then look up and realize that you have been told again..

    About 70% of these razors have Geometry Issues that have to be dealt with before even a 1k hone is useful, this is why we don't recommend them for Newbs on SRP this is what caused the huge "Discussions"

    Inconsistent products cause controversy if they were all bad there wouldn't be a problem or if they were all good, but with some good, some bad you will hear "I bought one and it is my greatest shaver" and then the next post will say " They suck"

    We got tired of all the yelling... read through that thread and see learn what we even mean by "Issues" and then proceed...

    Welcome to SRP

  7. #777
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    Just use a Sharpie and put a mark on the edge of the blade. Try to sharpen it. If the Sharpie mark goes away your Gold Dollar is fine.

    A 1000k hone would be helpful at that point.

    If you have a "problem" Gold Dollar the blade won't be able to be held flat against the hone and the Sharpie mark won't be cleanly removed.

  8. #778
    Junior Member Betyarka's Avatar
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    My firs straight razor. modified Gold Dollar. by JS /Jenes Sándor/

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  9. #779
    Member madmedic's Avatar
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    The quality control is horrible...but I bought a number of GD #66 s and picked the best one. Using You Tube for guidance I used Naniwa 1k,5k. and 8k stones and finished up with a shave ready razor. I get really good shaves with it. Not as smooth as those done by the pros.....but I am happy because I did it myself. As time goes on ....I am improving the edge....although I am a little nervous about tackling some of my better razors
    A member of the Royal British Legion Riders Branch

  10. #780
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP

    You are like most of us. You want to do it your own honing and also to save some money. Congrats, you fit right in here!

    But, you picked a razor that might be demanding even for the best of us. If that razor has issues with the grind then you will almost certainly not be able to hone it. Your best bet is to have Maxi look at it and tell you what the situation is. Then proceed from there.

    BTW, Gssixgun did you a big favor with that link.

    Just my 2¢
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

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