I am going with Glen on this one. You have Lynn who hones more razors than God, Budha, Allah, Zeus or anyone else saying that Dovo's are not problematic as regarded to grind. I am not a huge fan of Dovo, or anything today being mass produced. I think their prices are much too high (regardless of the vendor) considering the wholesale value of the basic Dovo is $49 and it sells online from $65-$85, but other than some cheap scales maybe, I have yet to see anything they make (including brushes) that is not solid quality. I can say that I have honed a few TI's that did not lie flat on the hone and were in fact very slightly warped. However, that does not make me complain or condemn their product because in the end I think the steel they are using is nice and takes a very nice edge. I have honed roughly 120 Dovos (roughly 50) were new, and I can say that I have yet to have one that didn't hone very easily and take a very nice edge.
Again, You have the most experienced honer and foremost razor expert IN THE WORLD saying that grind is not the problem and one of the best restorers telling you that most likely its something else. Post up some pics, then everyone can judge and determine if the problem looks like something form the factory or after market handling.