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Thread: About the Gold Dollar razors

  1. #11
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Things are not meant to happen that way. whenever a post or thread gets moved or deleted, the mod or admin doing that should PM the owner(s) of that thread or post and explain why it was done or what the problem was.

    Usually this happens without a problem. Sometimes though, it doesn't, and by the looks of it this is one of those times. I apologize for that. Whenever this happens it is not intentional. It sometimes happens that someone performs an action before logging off and then forgets to do it, or fails to ask someone else to do so, or any of the other mundane reasons that things sometimes fall between the cracks.

    If something like that happens, feel free to contact the mod whom you think is responsible for that are, or PM me and I'll find out what happened. We try to avoid just doing things without notice.

    Oh and you are correct that we are all newbies at one point or the other. When I first started with a real straight, I all but ruined my razor on a pasted strop. And I am fairly certain my neighbors heard me scream when I threw on my aftershave And I do understand you enthusiasm as well. After finding SRP and getting my razor sharp enough to shave, I was really overjoyed.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

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  3. #12
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    Interesting thread. I bought one to try and learn to shave with and possibly hone, but with intentions of getting a better razor later on. Kind of disappointing to read that the forum I learned about these razors four days ago feel like they aren't very good... There are a lot of threads that newbies started months ago where members recommend getting these as starter blade from the vendor known as RupRazor. They show up in searches of the site. How are you going to handle these types of posts which lead me to the conclusion that these are good razors and I'm sure will lead other new users to think the same?

  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infotech View Post
    Interesting thread. I bought one to try and learn to shave with and possibly hone, but with intentions of getting a better razor later on. Kind of disappointing to read that the forum I learned about these razors four days ago feel like they aren't very good... There are a lot of threads that newbies started months ago where members recommend getting these as starter blade from the vendor known as RupRazor. They show up in searches of the site. How are you going to handle these types of posts which lead me to the conclusion that these are good razors and I'm sure will lead other new users to think the same?

    Step#1: You already have one of these razors.

    Step #2: Hone it up (or perhaps you bought it shave ready? that isn't clear).

    Step #3: Make up your own mind, based on your own experience, not other people's opinions.

    Maybe you'll hate it.

    Maybe you'll love it.

    This is a forum to share everybody's experiences, good, bad, and indifferent.

  5. #14
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infotech View Post
    Interesting thread. I bought one to try and learn to shave with and possibly hone, but with intentions of getting a better razor later on. Kind of disappointing to read that the forum I learned about these razors four days ago feel like they aren't very good... There are a lot of threads that newbies started months ago where members recommend getting these as starter blade from the vendor known as RupRazor. They show up in searches of the site. How are you going to handle these types of posts which lead me to the conclusion that these are good razors and I'm sure will lead other new users to think the same?
    We don't intend to go back through and nuke and pave all of those posts. We will try and make all the information easier to find. The object is the same as it always has been, make the best information available so everyone can make informed decisions. This thread is also an apology for falling down on that in this case and we are trying to make it right.

    The process is simple, try and get all the information you can and get it from sources that you can determine are impartial. The execution takes some work.


  6. #15
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    May not be the right place for this, I am not positive, but I'd like to say that I have gotten some extremely good shaves from my Gold Dollar... Now, I'd also like to say that this particular GD was honed by Lynn with the same care and dedication all his other razors get, and I shave tested it against (one of?) Lynn's Revisors, kept in a mug in his bathroom, so I would assume it was in the "shave ready" Rotation... I think my technique has gotten fairly good by this point, I'm irritation free 99% of the time, and BBS 90% of the time... And I can say, 100% certain, that the GD shaved me about 90%-95% as well as the Revisor.

    However, I DO NOT want to be used as an example of "He said they were good!! LIIIIEES!!!". I will also say that, of the factory GD's I've seen before... The vast majority were CRAP. Poor grinds, Hone wear, bad shoulders, the whole nine yards. They are not on par with Kriegar or Zeepk, but it takes WORK to get them passable. I will say that I got the 1 in a hundred that shaves excellently.

    It happens, but not often enough to call them a grand old razor.

    Sorry, again, if this is out of place, but the majority of this thread seemed Condemning... I just wanted to say that once in a while, a real winner pops up. This thing has shaved me better than my Dovo Best Quality and with less irritation. Your milage will DEFINITELY vary. But every now and then there are good ones... Just like every now and then, a Bismarck slips out with scales that make you cry..

    Sorry again if I'm out of place... I do, wholeheartedly, agree that they should be labeled as Bruno and the staff have seen fit. I think that is almost spot on.. Just make sure you note that some of them actually perform quite well.

    That rambled. A lot.


  7. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to ShavedZombie For This Useful Post:

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  8. #16
    Senior Member AnarchoPhil's Avatar
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    The people that pay the bills can do what they want but I get a good shave from my GD. I have no intention on replacing it with something else. Maybe if I hit the lotto I will but otherwise I'm good.

  9. #17
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    Am I to understand that if I recommend that a beginner purchase a starter kit containing a Gold Dollar I am breaking the forum's rules? Or will the mods just chime in to explain to the poor unsuspecting slob that I'm deluded and I don't really know what a decent shave is? In short am I being dictated to, or merely patronized?

    Either way, I think I'll just post somewhere else.

    Best Regards

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  10. #18
    Newbie Desdinova's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goshawk View Post
    Am I to understand that if I recommend that a beginner purchase a starter kit containing a Gold Dollar I am breaking the forum's rules? Or will the mods just chime in to explain to the poor unsuspecting slob that I'm deluded and I don't really know what a decent shave is? In short am I being dictated to, or merely patronized?

    Either way, I think I'll just post somewhere else.

    Best Regards


    I would suggest you re-read the first post.

    That is not what Bruno said.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Desdinova For This Useful Post:

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  12. #19
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    Default Factory edge to shave ready

    Here is an objective look at a Gold Dollar that I just honed up minutes ago.

    Magnification is ~400xx

    First pic is the factory fresh edge....MMmmm...MMM, doesn't that look tasty?

    Next is the DMT1200 (this sucka is well broken in!), then 5um alum oxide lapping film (the DMT1200 gave a nicer finish...), then 3um alum oxide lapping film, then 1um alum oxide lapping film, then 1um lapping film over a layer of paper, then a shot of a HHT hair end off of that edge (this is the level I usually shave off of), then 0.5um diamond film on paper, then finally 0.1um diamond film over paper.
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  13. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Seraphim For This Useful Post:

    Alighieri (11-15-2010), AnarchoPhil (03-09-2010), asiz (08-24-2023), cpcohen1945 (02-23-2011), Kenrup (04-04-2010), mjsorkin (02-26-2012), ofelas (03-11-2010), pmburk (09-12-2011), rarreola (04-01-2011), wpfontenot (03-09-2010)

  14. #20
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    And for the sake of comparrison here is the edge of a WorldMaster, I touched up yesterday, also finished to 0.1um diamond level.

    Follwed by the edge of a brand new Merkur DE blade (you can see the teflon coating on there too).
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    Last edited by Seraphim; 03-09-2010 at 07:22 PM.
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  15. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Seraphim For This Useful Post:

    AnarchoPhil (03-09-2010), Caydel (05-24-2011), pmburk (09-12-2011)

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