With regards to the blade not laying flat on one side, a technique I use for my one blade that has a slight warp, is to lay the blade as poor normal for the honing stroke, but in the process of the stroke I run my finger down the side of the blade. This will (hopefully) place the little extra pressure needed on the blade to ensure contact of the edge to the stone. I advise caution when doing this, as you will get a cut if you do it wrong. Do it right, and you have no fear of being cut as the edge is on the stone.
I have shaved successfully (not comfortably) off a 6k, but I recommend, as the others have said, about going to at least 8k for a true shave ready razor. Higher grits make for a smoother shave if you choose to go beyond 8k. I only go to a C12k (or PHIG is you like). I don't own any of those fancy hones from Shrapton or Naniwa. I'm too cheap for that .
