I think fear drives a lot of this unnecessary oiling of razors. I've tried it and found it such a pain to get it off that I eventually switched to Renaissance Wax. I found that difficult to put on easily and difficult to figure out what steel had been covered and what had not. When I stopped using it and anything else, I was surprised to find that my razors were doing just fine with nothing to protect them

To me, prevention is more important. My razors never go back in the drawer with any moisture on them and they certainly do not reside in the shave den or bathroom for any longer than it takes to shave with them. That, to me, seems like a death sentence for steel. Like I said, I have razors that have sat in the drawer for a year, and when I get them out to check them, which I do from time to time, there is nothing to worry about. I found the oiling and then the removing of it a real pain, and if there is nothing to worry about then it seemed to me a waste of time. If I start to see rust, I'll do something about it. If I don't, well, guess what I ain't gonna do.