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  1. #111
    In search of a rising tide nightbreed's Avatar
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    Early morning run in the rainy forest. Hot shower and hot towel.
    Carl Monkhouse C-MON Blackie
    28mm Custom Silvertip
    T&H Grafton SC
    T&H Grafton AS

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  2. #112
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    Thumbs up

    This morning:

    Music: Puccini - Madame Butterfly - Un Bel Di Vedremo (Montserrat Caballé - London Symphony Orchestra)
    Prep: Hot shower, dab of oilive oil rubbed in
    Soap: Cut down Tabac puck
    Brush: Gibbs 210
    Scuttle: Opa's Rasiertopf
    Razor: Grelot 308
    After: Tabac AS

  3. #113
    Straight Razor Enthusiast MisterA's Avatar
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    To get in the mood: Glen Miller at the Cafe Rouge ( - Big Bands) and a large glass of Frydenlund Fatøl -Norwegian Beer (By the way, I only shave in the evenings not in the morning. )

    Prep: Lucky Tiger Face Scrub + Proraso PRE shave cream

    Brush: Bonds of Oxford Street - Super Badger Travel Brush

    Soap: Colonel Conk Lime

    Strop: Jemico

    Razor: Yahatamaru - Vintage Japanese straight
    AS: Proraso AS + Lucky Tiger Mustache Wax

    Result: BEST shave I have ever had. My first time with a Japanese Straight and I have never had a closer shave EVER. (In my less than impressive 3-4 months of Straight razor shaving I should add.. he,he.. ) I just got this today.. Bought it from OLD_SCHOOL and as I shave my head I couldn't do a HHT so I took a hair froom my Zebra hide rug, and it did cut it after a couple of tries so I concluded it was more than sharp enough. I did not strop it prior to shaving, just cleaned it a bit in HOT water and wiped it off with a towel. I can not believe how easy it was to shave with this compared to my western straights. I tried to use only one side at first, but deciced to try the other side as well as I couldn't get to the difficult spots only using the "correct" side. This not only let me easily shave those hard to get spots but I also FINALLY managed to easily shave those very difficult areas around my jaw that I have never managed to get completely smooth with any other razor. I use only my left hand though.. I guess I should mention that. I would also like to add, I used less time on my 1st ever shave with a Japanese Straight than I ever have with a western razor. I did WTG and ATG. No need to go XTG as My face was already extremely smooth after the WTG..

    Last edited by MisterA; 11-07-2009 at 09:00 PM.

  4. #114
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Thumbs up THANKS TO ALL


    you make us proud. This week has been one of the best SOTD's I have seen. Great photography and shaving products. I would like to thank everyone for their input and participation at the SOTD.

    I said it before everyone is welcome to post his daily shave with or without photography. It doesn't matter. As long as you are having fun!

    əˌfisyəˈnädō | pərˈfekSH(ə)nəst | eS'prəSSo | düvəl ləvər

  5. #115
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    Nov. 8th, 2009

    Prep: Hot Shower & some pre-shave oil
    Brush: Rooney 1/2
    Soap/Cream: Mama Bears/Proraso
    Razor: C-MON Blackie
    Aftershave: Thayer's Superhazel

    A very very good shave. The more I use the C-MON, the more I love it. I might have to start looking at some more German blades!

  6. #116
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    razor filharmonica 13
    soap and brush Edwin Jagger
    AS gillete
    BBS oh yes

  7. #117
    Senior Member Hogrider's Avatar
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    Cool Sat, Nov 7th

    >>>Hot shower followed by more hot water + Proraso Cream>>> Soap: MFW + five drops of pure glycerin, awesome lather!>>> Brush: Omega boar bristle>>>a two razor shave: Boker 5/8 Edelweisse use WTG changed to Henckels Friodur 7/8 INOX for XTG and ATG. Boker is as sharp as the day I got from SRD>>>Astringent: Thayers>>>AS: Musgo Real.

    Result: BBS-small nick in the chin area.

    Background music: Giovanni Battista Pergolesi- La Serva Padrona. An Opera Buffa. Emphasis in intermezzo "Stizzoso mio Stizzoso" SHAVE ON.

  8. #118
    Senior Member tat2Ralfy's Avatar
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    Can I humbly add to Max's thanks
    I find the posts on here Soo inspirational
    The Photographs and products used seem to have such an exotic air about them
    And the Members feedback is always an interesting read
    I Thank You Gentlemen
    Especialy Max our Gracious Host

  9. #119
    Shave Ready 44Whiskas's Avatar
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    Can I sneak this one in under the wire for today

    Wade Butcher 7/8 Wedge | Bigelow | Caswell Massey Brush | TM 2.5 latigo | Nivea AS | complete and utter ridculous BBS

  10. #120
    Junior Member dursum's Avatar
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    - Legrot hospital 5/8
    - Proraso sensitive soap
    - Omega syntex brush
    - Tobs St. James after shave

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