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  1. #11
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    Default SOTD 1/31/2010

    Quote Originally Posted by tat2Ralfy View Post
    Journal Entry #117
    Sunday 31st January 2010

    I woke at about 9.00am and as the fog in my mind slowly lifted I realised today was Sunday.
    The cold air coming in from the open bedroom window told me it was cold today, and as I looked out
    across the frozen countryside my thoughts turned to one thing Coffee!
    Once downstairs I lit the fire, and as my morning began I checked my mail, a few from
    A couple junk mails, and an update from S.O.T.D
    3 Cups of Java and the same number of Handrolled Cigarettes later, I was ready to begin my morning Ritual.

    The shower was hot, the Wrights Coal Tar Soap smelled delicious, and the musky scent from the Diesel Fuel for Life
    Shower Gel left me feeling Squeaky clean.
    I towelled my self down, leaving my face wet, ready to take a nice slick coating of Prorasso Crema Pre Barba,
    After soaking my Men-U Boar Shave Brush, and Denby Bowl, I made a rich thick lather with the Ingram Cream and massaged in into my beard.

    The T.R.Cadman Bengall Razor was shave ready, fresh off the Coticule and stropped 60 linen, 60 leather only last night,
    as I bought the blade hot from the water, resting its side gently under my nose the smell of hot steel made my smile, I love that smell, first pass of the Filtrum was smooth as silk and the sound of stubble giving way to steel was a clear indication that we were under way!

    3 passes later the Bengall washed, dried and stropped, a Cold Water Rinse was followed by a gentle rub with the Thayers Witch Hazel, Diesel Fuel for Life Aftershave Balm and Prorassoo Dopobarba, sealed the deal.
    Diesel Fuel For Life Aftershave Lotion bought my face to a wonderfull BBS conclusion, the only thing left to do was apply a nice coating of Trumpers Skin Food in Lime to protect my face against the winters cold.

    After all that MK2 VW golf is not going to wash itself now is it!!

    SHAVE ON!!

    Nice journal ! Bengal looks really nice! Been looking for a Bengal but have not found one yet. Know you enjoy yours!


  2. #12
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    Look, Ma, another Bengall...

  3. #13
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Default Sunday's Shave

    I love Sunday's Shave! That is is the one I look forward to all week! I can take my time laying out and preppinng the tools before engaging in a comfortable relaxing scrape of the face.

    Strop: A ten dollar piece of red latigo from the leather shop, that a buddy picked up for me from a leather shop (turned out to be the best strop I eve had)
    AOS Sandlewood pre-shave oil
    Heat the "PAW" mug in the sink water
    Razor: Jaques Lecoultre Au Sentier (ebony with some inlay on the edges)
    A/S Vegatal followed up by aa splash of cold water and some AOS sandlewood balm
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  4. #14
    Senior Member Bandman's Avatar
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    Ok, first time to post SOTD. Here goes!

    Pre: Hot Shower
    Brush: Rooney Pure Badger
    Lather: Uber; CO Bigelow, Conk Almond, Glycerine
    Razor: DOVO Ebony 5/8 Spike Point
    Aftershave: Aqua Velva Blue
    Balm: Nivea Sensitive
    Results: BBS

  5. #15
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    SOTD ItemDetails
    Prep Robeson Prep w/ Masters Bay Rum
    Brush Edwin Jagger BBB
    Cream AlRaz Calypso Bomb
    Splash Aqua Velva
    Balm Nivea ASB
    Razor Simmons Barber's Pet 5/8
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  6. #16
    Senior Member tat2Ralfy's Avatar
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    Hello Bandman and welcome to the Brotherhood
    Best regards

  7. #17
    Senior Member Hogrider's Avatar
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    Cool Sun, Jan 31 shave

    Prep>>Hot water face rinse + hot towel + Proraso Preshave cream...then lather face for first pass. Another hot towel pre-moistened and lather for second pass. Hot water rinse last pass..concluding with a cold water rinse.
    Razor>>I had in mind using the Wacker but the lot fell to the Henckels INOX 8/8 square point. Don't regret the decision one bit. Stropped it 30/30 in SRD red latigo and webbed fabric. After the shave stropped it another 30 in leather only and back in the razor rack.
    Brush>>SRD Silver tip badger brush #3 (I need to write a review on this brush)
    Cream>>TOBS Sandalwood. Boy, I said once and I say it again, those Britons know how to make shaving cream!
    Astringent>>Thayers Lemon
    AS>>Aqua Velva

    Footnotes: BBS shave, took my time and shave carefully. No nicks, cuts nor razor burn and one happy hog.
    Been working on my Bucket List and reading a bit about shaving...some picks attached. Shave On
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  8. #18
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    brush: Ever Ready silver tip badger (restored by ndw76, Nathan)
    mug: Old Spice
    soap: homemade goats milk "grandma's cookies"
    razor: Gold Dollar #100
    aftershave : Pinaud/Clubman "Virgin Island Bay Rum"
    results: very smooth
    Name:  sotd.jpg
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  9. #19
    Senior Member alabamalawyer's Avatar
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    Revisor 5/8 // Rooney 1/2 Finest // MWF // L'Occitane Cade

  10. #20
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Short: Two soaps and two razors are incredibly fun.

    Long: Took my sweet ol' time this morning and tried a few new things. Two soaps and two razors! I've had an old puck of Colgate soap since I started and I use it on occasion for small shaves (e.g., just cleaning up my neck). I usually strop before my shower, lather once and go, but today I put some Colgate lather on and then stropped while it sit. Rinsed it off and then did my normal routine with some Mitchell's.

    As for the razors, this is my first beefy smiling razor; Reynolds faux frameback with a near-wedge grind. I shaved with it once after 2 days of growth and felt like it needed more to cut, so I went a week without shaving and gave it a another go this morning. I decided to bring in my little SSA Swede (SSA was the successor to Engstrom) to do around my mouth while I learn the smiling razor. Great shave.

    Soaps: vintage Colgate & Mitchell's Wool Fat
    Razors: Frederick Reynolds faux frameback in mottled horn & SSA
    After: Royall Bay Rhum

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