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  1. #121
    . Otto's Avatar
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    Default Saturday

    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: E. J. Best Badger
    Soap: Proraso
    Strop: Tony Miller Heirloom tri-strop
    Razor: Mastro Livi 6/8

    Soundtrack: Andrea Bocelli - Vivare
    Fast, but comfortable BBS shave.

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

  2. #122
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Merkur 42
    Iridium Blade
    Berma Shave SS
    Omega Synthetic Brush
    Barbasol AS Balm
    Ogallala Bay Rum AS with Limes & Peppercorns

  3. #123
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Default SOTD Saturday

    AAHH!! nothing like waking up earlier than the rest of the fam (4 kiddos and one on the way) and taking advantage of a nice shave. Some time alone with my faithful friend beside me (Max, the dog) and SRP (my new favorite past time) to past the Saturday early morning hours with until everyone wakes up....I think I hear the rumblings of little children rustling awake with the thoughts of destruction forming in their devious little mindss upstairs now...Be afraid..Be very afraid....

    Prep: AOS preshave oil...'So,kay...
    A/S: Vegatal...Waiting for my shipment of Ogalla sandlewood to get here..Thanks all, who have have been recommending this stuff! I can't wait to try it!
    Razor: Dovo with Koa & Crushed Turquoise scales. The nasty stain on the toe is what happens when you leave a razor on the sink and the wife nails it with Tilex ....I tried buffing it out..To no avail...Oh well, it still shaves..

    Have a great day! And thanks again to all who put this site together and continue to participate and add advice and pics. It is really fun to have a hobby that is shared by others.
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  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    AAHH!! nothing like waking up earlier than the rest of the fam (4 kiddos and one on the way) and taking advantage of a nice shave. Some time alone with my faithful friend beside me (Max, the dog) and SRP (my new favorite past time) to past the Saturday early morning hours with until everyone wakes up....I think I hear the rumblings of little children rustling awake with the thoughts of destruction forming in their devious little mindss upstairs now...Be afraid..Be very afraid....

    have a great day! And thanks again to all who put this site together and continue to participate and add advice and pics. It is really fun to have a hobby that is shared by others.
    if those little kiddos keep showing up, you gonna have a hard time finding a empty bathroom to shave in....good luck

  5. #125
    Opto Ergo Sum bassguy's Avatar
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    Default 1 Earth

    Location: 40°50'38.61"N 73°56'19.68"W
    Razor: CV Heljestrand MK No 32 "Eskilstunaboden"
    Brush: Rudy Vey Two Band Custom
    Soap: Monsavon
    Astringent: Dickenson's Witch Hazel
    AS: Aveda+444
    Result: Meh. Just not my night. Oh well. Next time.

  6. #126
    Senior Member Batmang's Avatar
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    Saturday 2/13/10

    A.Feist & Co. Lunawerk 5/8
    Edwin Jagger Best Badger Brush
    Coates Sandalwood sc
    Thayers Original WH w/ aloe
    Anherb a/s conditioner
    Murray & Lanman Florida water

    A DFS this morning with the Lunawerk despite a nice little slice above my lip Completed two passes and had so much great Coates lather left I decided to head shave. Now, time for breakfast and then a trip to the florist.

  7. #127
    In search of a rising tide nightbreed's Avatar
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    Been out on an extended cross country skiing tour sleeping in a tent and also a cave one night ( old stoneage living-place ) Nearly a week since I shaved, so i brought out a nice old wedge. Also got a big shipment of Bay Rum's while away ( Royall, Cpt. Smith, Harris, Ogalalla sandalwod and Ogallala Double strenght. The Royall was first out.

    5/8 F.G. Gustafsson Eskilstuna
    28mm R.V. Silvertip
    Mitchells Wool Fat SS
    Royall Bay Rum ASL

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    Last edited by nightbreed; 02-13-2010 at 03:46 PM.

  8. #128
    Troublus Maximus
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    In your attic, waiting for you to leave
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    AAHH!! nothing like waking up earlier than the rest of the fam (4 kiddos and one on the way) and taking advantage of a nice shave. Some time alone with my faithful friend beside me (Max, the dog) and SRP (my new favorite past time) to past the Saturday early morning hours with until everyone wakes up....I think I hear the rumblings of little children rustling awake with the thoughts of destruction forming in their devious little mindss upstairs now...Be afraid..Be very afraid....

    Prep: AOS preshave oil...'So,kay...
    A/S: Vegatal...Waiting for my shipment of Ogalla sandlewood to get here..Thanks all, who have have been recommending this stuff! I can't wait to try it!
    Razor: Dovo with Koa & Crushed Turquoise scales. The nasty stain on the toe is what happens when you leave a razor on the sink and the wife nails it with Tilex ....I tried buffing it out..To no avail...Oh well, it still shaves..

    Have a great day! And thanks again to all who put this site together and continue to participate and add advice and pics. It is really fun to have a hobby that is shared by others.
    Be sure and shake the Ogallala and use fairly generously, I think that the Sandalwood is the most popular, pretty much my favorite too.

  9. #129
    Senior Member superbleu's Avatar
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    Saturday 02 12 2010
    CT Lemon and cedar SC
    Custom 1520
    WB Frameback remastered by Maximilian
    SMN lavender AS
    eSHAVE AS soother
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  10. #130
    Member TJoshX's Avatar
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    Razor: Filarmonica Doble Temple 14
    ~What a blade! I now know what all the hype is surrounding this massive piece of steel. I just newly aquired this razor this week (Thanks Max!!!) and this is my second shave with her. I swear the hair leap from my face before the blade actually makes contact with them, haha. I foresee a #13 in my very near future hopefully!
    Brush: Custom Spalted Maple handle SilverTip
    Soap: Odin's Edge 5 year cured goats milk sandalwood.
    ~I love this stuff! Great lather. Great Fragrance! James is terrific to work with!
    Astringent: Co Bigelow Skin Tonic Witch Hazel
    A/S Balm: Nivea Sensitive
    A/S Splash: Kenneth Cole Signature
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