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Thread: SOTD - 'HOME THEME' - Sun August 22nd - Sat August 28th

  1. #171
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Great location and shot

    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    Remains of the medieval castle near my home. Built about 1295, destroyed at 1528.

    Razor: 'Royal Navy Razor', Thomas Turner & Co, Cutler to her Majesty
    Brush: Merkur
    Soap: Olivia's
    ASB: L'Occitane

    I love the shot Sailor . Now, only if they had a sink with hot water, heh? Wouldn't it be wonderful to shave there?

  2. #172
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
    Pre: Hot shower
    Razor: Shavemac by Dovo
    Brush: Ikon 24 mm chubby silvertip
    AS: Ols Spice Musk
    Strop: Neil Miller linnen/buffallo 30/50 Pre: ROMA 45

    Pic´s four minutes walk from our house, a nice lake where the kids can swim during hot days (now passed, I think). Nannys soap lasted for 4 1/2 passes (two on head and 2 1/2 on face), I´d loaded the brush for approx. 30 secs . For the head I used some Gillette blades for the first time, I got them in a package at some time and they´re the best blades ever - stubble on head melted away and now it´s Kojak time.
    Looks like you got some nasty weather coming your way. But nice gear Mikael. Very nice looking scales on that animal

  3. #173
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Niiiice

    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    Strop: Kanayama (25/50)
    SC: Custom scented Bomb (courtesy of Robert aka BladeRunner001)
    Brush: Shavemac 23mm Silvertip
    Razor: Revisor 6/8
    Post: Tadé alum
    Astringent: Thayers Lavender
    ASB: Nivea Sensitive
    EdT: Le Labo Rose

    The scent on this Bomb that Robert envisioned was great. The razor, while nice, proved that shave ready allows for a lot of variation. It will be seeing the stones very soon! Nonetheless I got a CCS.

    The shot today is from just down the road about 5 blocks. It is a view up the Potomac towards the Capitol. Enjoy the day gentlemen!
    Glad you liked the scent Bill. Don't you just love Shavemacs? I am liking that Revisor. Take it to the hones and see how that baby performs. Although I don't have one (yet), I have heard that they are excellent blades with some of the meanest/keenest edges

  4. #174
    Senior Member ganboyi's Avatar
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    Default SOTD 25082010

    This is from my balcony in another direction - Up - towards the moon. Today's shave was with one of my many recent acquisitions. I love the shorter blade length, the way it feels in your hand and the shave. Also goes very nice with my brush.

    Great SOTD guys, really making me think about the photography, is not easy for me but there are some absolutely stunning shots in this thread. A great eye opener to your personal locations and landscapes.

    Soap: Al Raz Calypso (Bay Rum)
    Brush: Restored Fuller 22mm Marbled Butterscotch
    Razor: Hoshi Tombo 8500
    Aftershave: Taylors of Old Bond Street Sandalwood Aftershave Balm

  5. #175
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Smile Week of August 22 "Themed" SOTD - Wednesday

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower + Stephan's Conditioning Smooth Shaving Creme
    Pre-Shave Oil: Almond Oil
    Razor: 6/8" Respecto #77, Hollow, Round Point
    Brush: 25mm Vestavia Silvertip Badger
    Überlather: Al Raz Da Bomb Custom Shave Creme
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel (Lavender, no alcohol)
    ASB: Truffit & Hill Trafalgar
    Facial Moisturizer: Trumper's Facial Moisturizer
    Cologne: Penhaligon Opus 1870
    Result: Well...I felt guilty ignoring my "go-to" str8, today's shave was with it - i.e., my Respecto #77. A few days ago, I had taken it to the Coti with 20 laps on the Yellow side with water only and used the Y/G Escher (with very thin slurry with dilution) for the ultimate in luxury finish ending with 50 laps on water only. Well, after doing my usual stropping, I tested the had taken on a life of its own ...I don't think my my face had ever experienced such a smooth edge from this blade before. The shave was like being in a dream state...AWESOME!! I am sure that I still have a lot to learn in unlocking the secrets of the Y/G. If this is an indication of what it holds, then I am going to be very happy with this stone (Thank you Jimmy...I literally had to twist this man's arm to let go of his prized possession). I very much enjoyed my shave this AM and I am sad that I have to wait another 24hrs for the process to repeat. But tomorrow, I will break out a "special" that some of you have been waiting for...anyone care to venture a guess?

    Name:  _DSF4347Comb.jpg
Views: 365
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    The shot was from an early AM hike in our back mountains. Backdrop was using iPhone camera.

    Great SOTDs guys ........I feel a AD developing and I can't do anything about it.

    Have a productive Wednesday gentlemen .

  6. #176
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    [I feel a AD developing and I can't do anything about it.


    Can't or WON'T?

    Great SOTD, my good man! I'm guessing that perhaps a newly refurbished Friodur might make an appearance?

  7. #177
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    [I feel a AD developing and I can't do anything about it.
    Can't or WON'T?

    Great SOTD, my good man! I'm guessing that perhaps a newly refurbished Friodur might make an appearance?[/QUOTE]

    Well...that is a matter of how we define it, heh?

    As for the guess: good one, but Nope . The Friodur ain't it. I have not sent it to be rescaled yet.

  8. #178
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Can't or WON'T?

    Great SOTD, my good man! I'm guessing that perhaps a newly refurbished Friodur might make an appearance?
    Well...that is a matter of how we define it, heh?

    As for the guess: good one, but Nope . The Friodur ain't it. I have not sent it to be rescaled yet.[/QUOTE]

    Then it must be a Henkels - maybe even something in a faux tortoiseshell?

  9. #179
    Senior Member dslazar9's Avatar
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    Boker's Red Injun 5/8
    TOBS Lavender SC
    Alum Block
    TSD Iced Peppermint AS Milke

  10. #180
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Looks like you got some nasty weather coming your way. But nice gear Mikael. Very nice looking scales on that animal
    Hi robert! Well, it did look bad today, but it somehow mellowed out this pm and now looks ok. But it´s strange, becuase a a bad and massive front should be passing us by now

    Well, your gear looks _very_ nice and your new and secret stuff keeps us all on an edge here. My guess - a W&B chooper

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