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Thread: SOTD - 'HOME THEME' - Sun August 22nd - Sat August 28th

  1. #11
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Sunday morning!!!

    Just after dawn here the sun is just peeking...

    A nice Summertime shave this morning, before we head out for a ride..

    I started with a nice cup of fresh ground Italian Roast, which while I was making it, thanks to this Theme Idea, I had the camera ready so I caught these pics this morning:

    I started thinking about what to do for the shave this morning, and thought LIME !!!
    And then sang this stupid song as I enjoyed a nice long hot Sunday shower !!!

    I had the Castle Forbes Lime warming in the Georgetown Scuttle with 5 drops of glycerin during the shower...Using my Big olé Shave-Mac 28mm Silvertip I started the Uberlather process by loading some Classic Lime Soap into the brush... Moving over to the scuttle and the pre-softened Castle Forbes, I make that into some whupped cream peaks of Lime joy... Now I chose the "Night Stalker" my #14 Filarmonica Doble Temple in Midnight acrylic and decided to push the stropping today, I went 50/100 on my SRD Premium 1.
    After a hot towel face wrap, and 1 lathering, then another hot towel, I lathered up, and made my first pass with that 1 inch of buttery smooth Spanish steel... WOW!!! just WOW !!! The second pass was just because I had made the lather ...
    Clear water touch up pass and I was done...Some alum followed by a cold water splash, and an iced towel...The Pusser's Lime splash tops off a great shave, and starts what I hope is a fantastic Sunday...

    This is the pic off the back deck as the sun just catches the top of the trees, the mountain peak you can just see through the trees is White Mountain, we are heading up to the back side of it later, on the ATV's

    Name:  007.jpg
Views: 906
Size:  56.6 KB

    Make Yourself a Great Day !!!
    Last edited by gssixgun; 08-22-2010 at 02:27 PM.

  • #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Just after dawn here the sun is just peeking...

    A nice Summertime shave this morning, before we head out for a ride..

    I started with a nice cup of fresh ground Italian Roast, which while I was making it, thanks to this Theme Idea, I had the camera ready so I caught these pics this morning:

    I started thinking about what to do for the shave this morning, and thought LIME !!!
    And then sang this stupid song as I enjoyed a nice long hot Sunday shower !!!

    YouTube - Coconut - Harry Nilsson

    I had the Castle Forbes Lime warming in the Georgetown Scuttle with 5 drops of glycerin during the shower...Using my Big olé Shave-Mac 28mm Silvertip I started the Uberlather process by loading some Classic Lime Soap into the brush... Moving over to the scuttle and the pre-softened Castle Forbes, I make that into some whupped cream peaks of Lime joy... Now I chose the "Night Stalker" my #14 Filarmonica Doble Temple in Midnight acrylic and decided to push the stropping today, I went 50/100 on my SRD Premium 1.
    After a hot towel face wrap, and 1 lathering, then another hot towel, I lathered up, and made my first pass with that 1 inch of buttery smooth Spanish steel... WOW!!! just WOW !!! The second pass was just because I had made the lather ...
    Clear water touch up pass and I was done...Some alum followed by a cold water splash, and an iced towel...The Pusser's Lime splash tops off a great shave, and starts what I hope is a fantastic Sunday...

    This is the pic off the back deck as the sun just catches the top of the trees, the mountain peak you can just see through the trees is White Mountain, we are heading up to the back side of it later, on the ATV's

    Name:  007.jpg
Views: 906
Size:  56.6 KB

    Make Yourself a Great Day !!!
    Sounds like a great shave, Glen. But I have one question: Why would anyone want to live somewhere with all those trees and mountains? After all, without the traffic noise of the city, you might actually have to listen to your SWMBO...

    Seriously, that looks like an incredible place to spend your days! Have fun and be safe on the ride...

  • #13
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    Sounds like a great shave, Glen. But I have one question: Why would anyone want to live somewhere with all those trees and mountains? After all, without the traffic noise of the city, you might actually have to listen to your SWMBO...

    Seriously, that looks like an incredible place to spend your days! Have fun and be safe on the ride...

    Hehehe I tell ya this morning she had to listen to me... Singing that dumb song... I woke her up ... and Brother let me tell you, you would not want me on American Idol I sing in the the Key of C, C for Crap LOL

  • #14
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    Sunday, 8.22.10

    Cool water splash for a humid, rainy day
    MEM w/Olive Oil Shave Cream
    Vulfix 660 Badger
    R. Helliwell Crystal 9/16ths
    SRD Premium 1 strop .. 40 Linen/65 Leather
    Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Nivea As Balm
    Spanish Floïd Suave AS

    I would have love to have lifted the screen so my wife's Morning Glory's would have shown up better, but that action would have subjected me to scratching the bites of flying vectors for the day... Sorry, I've got some better ideas for the rest of the week!

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  • #15
    CTHULHU FHTAGN! mbeem's Avatar
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    5/8 Fox Cutlery
    RupRazor "The Paladin" Strop
    Art of Shaving's Sandalwood
    Penworks Finest
    444 ASB
    Tabac ASL

    Great pics gentlemen!!

  • #16
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Week of August 22 "Themed" SOTD - Sunday

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Pre-Shave Oil: Almond Oil
    Razor: 15/16" Wacker Ltd. Ed.#2 w/Laser Etched Goldwashed Spine, Full hollow, Round Point
    Brush: 23mm Shavemac Silvertip Badger
    Überlather: CarrieM "KD Creations" Bay Rum Shave Creme + Mama Bear's Patchouli Shave Soap + Glycerin
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel (Lavender, no alcohol)
    Post Shave: Trumper's Sandalwood Skin Food
    Facial Moisturizer: NancyBoy Facial Moisturizer
    Cologne: Penhaligon Quercus
    Result: Another scorcher in LA and surrounding areas today, but a great day of my usual hike/run in our local mountains (See background in picture #1, below), after which I came home to a nice hot shower (with Léo Delibes' Opera, Lakmé playing in the background), followed by prepping the beard with some almond oil as pre-shave. The überlather was prepared using CarrieM creme/Mama Bear soap/Glycerin (I had missed my CarrieM cremes for a few days now )...thick, very moist, and lots of cushion. In honor of today's themed SOTD, I brought out my Special Ed. "Wacker" to christen the event (I don't use this that often...I guess special occasions like this). Well, needless to say that my shave was extremely satisfying and close. Today is going to be a great day.

    As for the shots for today:
    These were taken last evening during sunset, rather than this AM (to save some time). I was going to take a 180º panoramic shot (all the way from our westside to eastside of the backyard), stitch them together using photoshop and create some special effect. But the dynamic range was too large and I was not inspired to do HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography.

    So instead, I opted to take two shots (see below) with the following hardware:

    • Camera: Fuji S5 Pro
    • Lens: AF-S Nikkor 55-200 mm f/4.0-5.6G ED DX
    • Flash: SB 600
    • Image File/Quality: RAW
    • Image Manipulation Software: Photoshop CS4

    And although the wine - 2006 Robert Skalli Pinot Noir - which my wife and I enjoyed last night for dinner, was not among the best my wife and I ever tried, was OK (~7.5 out of 10 in our book).

    Picture 1 (facing west):
    F-Stop: f/4
    Shutter Speed: 0.3 sec
    ISO: 100
    Metering: Matrix
    Exposure Mode: Manual
    Focal length: 55mm
    White Balance: 7350ºK
    Flash: Remote (off-shoe) w/compensation: 1/32 @ +1/3EV
    Filters: 1) Singh Ray LB Color Combo, and 2) Singh Ray Neutral Density 3-stop, hard step
    Name:  _DSF4366.jpg
Views: 1060
Size:  43.7 KB

    The Singh Ray Neutral Density filter was used to bring down the brightness of the sunlit sky a full 3 exposure is an indispensable piece in my photo arsenal...never leave home without it .

    Picture 2 (facing east):
    F-Stop: f/4
    Shutter Speed: 1/10 sec
    ISO: 100
    Metering: Matrix
    Exposure Mode: Manual
    Focal length: 55mm
    White Balance: 9000ºK
    Flash: Remote (off-shoe) w/compensation: 1/16 @ -2/3EV
    Filter: Singh Ray LB Color Combo
    Name:  _DSF4360.jpg
Views: 1021
Size:  37.2 KB

    Have a nice and relaxing Sunday guys . I am really loving this week's theme guys..nice pictures everyone.

    Max/G-man (Glen): thanks for thematizing this week's SOTD. Fun way to break out the usual mold. Great idea

  • #17
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    Default Medieval Splendour

    Razor: 13/16 Klas Törnblom. Eskilstuna, Sweden.
    Lather: Proraso Sensitive Soap
    Brush: Shavemac 23mm
    Lotion: Dr. Harris Milk

    Background: Tallinn's Old Town
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  • #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Sunday morning shave;
    Butch Harner ball steel
    Sabini Special (Rooney Finest prototype)
    Trumper's Lavender
    Verviene/Vervana EDT
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    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  • #19
    Senior Member Stroker's Avatar
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    SOTD Sunday August 22, 2010

    Razor: 11/16 Robert Klaas, Prussia, Full Hollow, Spike Point
    Pre-Shave: Proraso Crema Pre Barba
    Shaving Cream/Shaving Soap: Real Shave Co. SC + Classic Shaving Sandalwood SS
    Lather Bowl: Ceramic
    Scuttle: RAB Ceramic
    Brush: Semogue Boar 1460
    ASB: Nivea Replenishing
    Aftershave/Cologne: Ogallala Bay Rum

    Results: Uberlather (?) Tried this and wasn't much impressed. I didn't have any Glycerin to put into it but in general I would rather just use Shave Creams.
    Since testing all those shave creams a while back, I can't get excited about the Shave Soaps anymore.
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  • #20
    GUNG-HO FOR GENCOS thewatermark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stroker View Post
    SOTD Sunday August 22, 2010

    Razor: 11/16 Robert Klaas, Prussia, Full Hollow, Spike Point
    Pre-Shave: Proraso Crema Pre Barba
    Shaving Cream/Shaving Soap: Real Shave Co. SC + Classic Shaving Sandalwood SS
    Lather Bowl: Ceramic
    Scuttle: RAB Ceramic
    Brush: Semogue Boar 1460
    ASB: Nivea Replenishing
    Aftershave/Cologne: Ogallala Bay Rum

    Results: Uberlather (?) Tried this and wasn't much impressed. I didn't have any Glycerin to put into it but in general I would rather just use Shave Creams.
    Since testing all those shave creams a while back, I can't get excited about the Shave Soaps anymore.
    Great Looking Razor Bruce!!!!!

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